306 Canyon bow storage


GreatGrady Captain
Nov 24, 2024
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, MA
Canyon 306
I purchased a 2016 Canyon 306 this past fall and noticed there is a huge space under the deck in the bow that is accessible via the factory installed 6" round deck plate. This is the compartment where a bow thruster would be installed (mine does not have bow thruster).

Curious if others have turned this space into storage area.

Any thoughts / ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
Thanks fort his tread!
Now i know for what this deck plate is for :)

Ex owner of my boat installed there a thru-hull paddle wheel speed sensor, so i guessed that the plate was done when installing this speed sensor, but as you have it too it's probably as you suggested, the bow thruster compartment.

When i am back on the boat and having a long list of modifications i will pop open the plate to check what i could store there. However, the deck plate limit the size of the to be stored things, so a bigger access plate may be more flexible for storage access.

I had last summer a bag type 6 person life raft and 6 Fenders under the collapsed table and the project for this spring is to install a battery box for a 36V LiFePo Trolling Motor Battery there. Should the space be enough to fit the 36V LiFePo in this space it would make a nice battery compartment, but would need a quite bigger access plate.

I just had a knee prothesis surgery, so you need to be patient for about two months till i am back in Sardinia.

When i am back on the boat and having a long list of modifications i will pop open the plate to check what i could store there. However, the deck plate limit the size of the to be stored things, so a bigger access plate may be more flexible for storage access.

Exactly, looking to see if anyone has swapped out the 6" round access plate for something like 10" x 15" deck hatch. It would make for good fender storage (compartment is not finished).
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Not quite the same area , but exchange the 6 inch slplashwell plates for 10 inch Armstrong making access to the bilge quite doable.
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Yes, that is one of the modifications on the "in-this-moment-not-really-so-important list",
however this tread is regarding the empty space below the bow seating area on the Canyon 306,
not the bilge access on stern what is a problem on many GW's (and other brands).
I must learn to "tread " more carefully!
Open the existing plate and inspect the underside of the deck. Make sure you don't cut any structural supports (if any). Stay at least a few inches away from edges and, ideally, cut your corners round not sharp. That's easy to do with a drill bit. There are lots of easily found options out there for deck hatches from cheap plastic to structurally sound plastic to aluminum.

Check the underside... measure for the maximum hole you are comfortable with... cut the hole and install.
I wonder if it's possible to remove the panel entirely and fabricate a new panek with the desired hatch size. This way, when you want to sell the boat, you can return it to the factory configuration.
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I wonder if it's possible to remove the panel entirely and fabricate a new panek with the desired hatch size. This way, when you want to sell the boat, you can return it to the factory configuration.
Great idea. It would put my glass skills to the test! I’ll need to think through it.
Does this area have a separate piece that is just screwed down? It may be possible to get the piece from your dealer.

However, if done right, adding a nice access hatch for increased storage is likely only to be seen as a plus in the eyes of a buyer.
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IIRC, there is a panel that is screwed down and it has a 6" pie plate in it.
Thanks for all the ideas, etc. Here's a picture of the panel in question. Cavernous space underneath (unless you have bow thruster). looks like four screws holding it in place.bow floor panel.jpg
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