200hr service


GreatGrady Captain
Apr 23, 2019
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Getting ready to do first 200hr service. Will do all the R's. There is a lot of I/inspect in the chart. I will service the impeller but of the other"I's" any suggestions.
There's lots of different engines out there... different brands, old, new, 2-stroke, 4-stroke, etc. If you can list the checklist you're referencing and the specific engine, that would help! :)
whoops df250 the ones skunk boat says have am radio and roll up windows!
whoops df250 the ones skunk boat says have am radio and roll up windows!
I don't think the maintenance is any different on the mechanical motors except I would inspect the shift & throttle cables and grease the linkage.
Maybe empty the ash tray and see if the lighter still works...

a picture of the page in the manual would help.
I would replace the internal anodes. If you are going to look at them , might as well replace. You need new o-rings and I would have a spare screw too

DF200 maintenance_2021_2.jpeg
pic from my manual

zuke maint.jpg
With that list, everything seems to be pretty mundane and ordinary - all common things to inspect on a regular basis. Was there something that has you worried?
was hesitant about internal zincs until saw a video of a 200hr service, now very inclined to change them out and give block a good flush. having never done it not sure if it could be done on the lift at next 100hr (300 total) so figure i will give it a go this pull, then not have to worry till next pull at 400hr.