Recent content by Dhirsh

  1. Dhirsh

    275 Freedom with t/150’s Vs 200’s

    I sold my 336 and I’m looking for a smaller replacement dual consols. Can anyone lend some insight on the performance difference on the 275 freedom with 150’s and 200’s. Really most concerned if the 150’s are too underpowered for this model?
  2. Dhirsh

    What is the newest GW that has experienced wood transom issues?

    100% correct. An extra 5 hours of build labor and $100 in materials would have solved the issue completely . I Just sold my 2013 Grady 33, but not before I had a survey indicating moisture In the transom .That cost me plenty on the eventual selling price and it was always rack stored with no...
  3. Dhirsh

    251CE questions / parts needed

    Highly recommend these covers. He has every boat already custom patterned so he makes them quick. They are high quality and easy to take on and off. Clip to the under side of the t-top rails and have a big sipper on one side ( Make sure you tell him which side) and a draw string to pull tight...
  4. Dhirsh


    THT is 1% fact and 99% Keyboard Cowboys that what to add to their post count but nothing constructive to the conversation. Used to try and contribute but it almost always gets trolled down to a fight with somebody. I still go to the site but keep my responses pretty limited.
  5. Dhirsh

    Bilge pump float switch 33 Canyon

    I’ve changed dozens of float switches in boats over the years but this one kicked my butt. 336 has a water tank with a v notch in it at the transom for “access” . The bilge pump and switch is at the bottom aft ( about 2.5’ down) and partially beneath the shelf that holds the water tank. You...
  6. Dhirsh

    Moisture meters and surveyors

    Thanks for the replies. PM me if you want to know who to avoid for a survey
  7. Dhirsh

    Does GW color fade?

    My info is that the majority of the hull side color on gradys are paint not Gel. I’m sure some of the full hull and bottom full boat colors are all gel, but my boat was definitely paint from the factory on the sides over the gel hull color. Paint will have less fade given the same maintenance as...
  8. Dhirsh

    Moisture meters and surveyors

    Curious of owners experiences either getting surveys with areas of elevated moisture readings in the transom around scuppers or having a sale canceled because of them? Modern day ( Last 10 Years) Grady transoms with wood are so overbuilt I would think they are probably 25 to 30 year transoms...
  9. Dhirsh

    YAMAHA 350 4 stroke

    I have twin 350 B’s. They have the exhaust manifold redesigns. There are some smaller changes from the A to the B and C as well, but pretty minor. Mine have over 840 hours and have been flawless. As long as they have had the software updates and serviced regularly, they are great engines. It’s...
  10. Dhirsh

    Generator fuel gauge

    My gauge is separate from the generator panel and just mounted into the cabin bulkhead. Fuel gauges are pretty simple animals. Fuel tank sender should have a pink wire and a ground. Pink goes to gauge and ground to a ground on the tank. Gauge has 3 terminals. One for the pink sender wire, one...
  11. Dhirsh

    275 Freedom Performance etc

    I'm factoring the Value of the F350 into my decision. I have two now and I'm fully up to speed about their reliability and reputation. To me the F350 has been a great motor and there are very few engines that can push my 336 like these do. I'm fully aware and comfortable with the fact that I...
  12. Dhirsh

    275 Freedom Performance etc

    Looking at a 275 Freedom with a single 350. Anyone that can share some performance data would be greatly appreciated. Cruise and WOT speed and fuel burn especially. I currently have a 336 with twin 350's so I completely understand the motors. Thanks in advance.
  13. Dhirsh

    Price check ... slip and storage fees

    Thats pretty decent for down here in SW FL. What Marina are you at?
  14. Dhirsh

    Check this out! Grady White Fiberglass Panels!

    Nicely done. Will last forever now. I did a similar thing to my transom cap. Molded and made it with fiberglass.