Recent content by SkunkBoat

  1. SkunkBoat

    New digs for my Seafarer!!

    If I had that shed I'd be painting the epoxy cote on the bottom of my boat and be fishing by April. but I'll be waitng for May weather to paint :(
  2. SkunkBoat

    Shorepower breaker

    Its a 30 A breaker and an ELCI or a GFCI. It is protecting the inlet power to the boat. I'm pretty sure all ELCIs are 2 pole breakers because they must break both the Hot (black) and Neutral(white). They must be within 10 ft of the shore power plug. The OP picture looks like a single pole...
  3. SkunkBoat

    Shorepower breaker

    Take cover off to get model. Look on Blue Seas site for ELCI/GFCI breaker
  4. SkunkBoat

    Rubber hose for cooler drain?

    Sometimes drains can be unscrewed from inside the cooler. Then you can just bend the hose towards you, pull off the hose barb, install new hose, line up in hole and screw inside cooler
  5. SkunkBoat

    Rubber hose for cooler drain?

    Thats a drain. its not below the waterline. But it is at the waterline so don't go cheap... You can use several of the available hoses Series 141, 148, 135. Have you looked at your deck drain hoses to your scuppers yet? If that cooler drain looks that bad, your scupper hoses must be scary.
  6. SkunkBoat

    Battery runs low on anchor

    Looks like all the heavy loads are on the Port bank. Windlass, thruster, power assist pump. They will run batteries down quickly if the port motor isn't running and charging. Assuming you are running the motors when using these.. I would check the port motor to see if it is charging
  7. SkunkBoat

    Battery runs low on anchor

    its a pdf not an image? jpeg, png Here's a screenshot png
  8. SkunkBoat

    Battery runs low on anchor

    define "Electronics" VHF(s), MFD(s), sonar, radar? How many batteries? No 2500w stereo? No refrigerator? No AC? No pumps running? No Lights? generally, the "port battery" only starts the port engine and runs one bilge pump and maybe the stereo memory. Generally, the House runs on the stbd...
  9. SkunkBoat

    Tidal Slip Equipment

    heheh East coast...twice a day.... That slip looks like its for a 17 whaler or a Carolina skiff I don't think I would do that with a 28 ft deepV. You will topple over and your water inlets will mud up.
  10. SkunkBoat

    Fuel Tank Replacement

    Hoping is not an action plan;) There is a 6" piehole over each end of the tank. Look at it. I think you should remove whatever deck piece is covering the tank and inspect. Its just screws and silicone. Not rocket science.
  11. SkunkBoat

    Mold cleaner recommendations for caulking

    Home Depot, Lowes
  12. SkunkBoat

    trim tabs anodes

    there is just enough room for an R3 in the "pocket". It has to be bumped right up to the bend up on the rear of the tab. I don't use the trim tabs and dont really care about them but I think having more zinc in the water can't hurt. FYI, the R3 pair has a nut imbedded in one side and just a...
  13. SkunkBoat

    trim tabs anodes

    Mine have a zinc R3 on them. Like others, I started using 1/2 the set on each tab.(mount on top) They always get eaten up. For some reason they always come loose and spin by the end of they season. They only have one screw in the center. I think Im goign to drill another hole and use a bar with...
  14. SkunkBoat

    Thru Hull ID

    Yes they did that on some models/years. It gives you a flat spot so you don't have to use the plastic fairing and you don't have to cut the angle.
  15. SkunkBoat

    2000 express 265 thru hull transducer question

    I have a 2000 265 also. I do the fishing you described. A lot of it... I have a GarminGT51M side/down scan thru hull mounted between the water inlets. I replaced a B744 that was there. Its works WAY better at speed than the Transom mount GT21 that I had before. But the Transom Mount was very...