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  1. O

    Prop question

    I don't believe you have that correct. Diameter is diameter - the size of the circle made by the rotating blades. Prop pitch is usually measured at .7 x radius, as the pitch actually changes along the radius of the prop. A blade that had the same pitch all along its radius would look like a...
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    Reseal Lower Unit & Replace Water Pump

    Costly, but not unreasonable. We need to do the port LU due to a little water intrusion. Local mechanic brought his skiff over, dropped the LU while boat on lift, rebuilt completely, i.e. ALL the seals, and pressure tested, then returned and reinstalled it. With new water pump kit as well. A...
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    Need help on Grady construction

    Lift the hatch. Good time to inspect and clean underneath. GE Silicone II in almond matches well. And that base needs to be through bolted, not screwed down. If you lift the hatch you can fabricate your own backing plate, then use fender washers and locking nuts.
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    Prop question

    You are overpropped. Puts a heavier load on the engine throughout the entire operating range. General rule of thumb is 300-400 RPM change for 2" pitch change. But that assumes same prop, i.e., no other variables changed. Get the same prop in 15" PITCH and enjoy.
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    Simrad plotter /antenna question

    You note that the plotter will operate on an NMEA 2K network. To do this you would have to have a combined 2K and Simnet network. Yes, it can be done but not worth the cost or effort.
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    Simrad plotter /antenna question

    I just downloaded and read the manual for that unit. Very advanced when it was introduced. It has Simnet and NMEA 0183 connectivity. No NMEA 2K capability. IMHO, not worth any expense to try to improve its performance. If it meets your needs, then just use it. If it doesn't, then replace...
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    Voyager vs 270 Islander ride quality

    Sorry. Tens of thousands of miles under this keel, but never on a Voyager.
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    Radar Questions from a Radar Newb

    None of those should be an issue on your installation. As to your last comment, radar is to help get you home when the fog surprises you while out. Don't let it lull you into going out in the fog. Far too many "ejeets" out there running at high speed with their radar on, thinking that means...
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    Overpowered 232?

    I will likely get blasted by those who believe all boats should be powered at 100%-120% of manufacturer rating. We bought the GW below new in 2002 at the VaBch boat show. Dealer had hung a 2001 250hp OX66 on a boat rated at 500hp. Some were powered with twin F225s during those years...
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    Fort Myers to Tampa on Saturday

    Congrats on the Marlin and the successful trip. As to pumping out the holding tank with the macerator, make sure you are in legal waters for sewage discharge. :D
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    You said washdown, which is raw water, but you mentioned the tank so I think you are referring to the fresh water system. The fresh water pump has a built-in screen on the inlet side of the pump. Easy to open and clean. F you had gunk grow in the tank, then the inlet screen is almost...
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    Fort Myers to Tampa on Saturday

    Congrats on the Marlin. We've always wanted one. Look at online. You can click on any of the stations or markers, then click on forecast, and see the prediction for that area. Looks to be a bit breezy and wet on saturday, but it really isn't a long run and that's a great boat.
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    LED spreader lights recommendations

    I replaced the big halogens with these a few years ago. Got them in the white/red combination, and it's great to be able to have dimmed red when fishing at night. Or for that "red light district" look at the dock... :D I also placed the strip version of these under the gunwales, so the...
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    265 Express Head tank size

    Most likely the 10 gallon Groco tank, with built in macerator pump. Replaced ours with the 15 gallon Groco Sweettank about ten years ago, and then had to replace the entire pump assembly this year. Larger tank is only seven inches longer, same width and height, so easy to place in its...
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    Bow pulpit height?

    I can understand needing to know that distance when you calculate how much rode to pay out, but you mark the rode for its actual length, either including the chain or not. It's about four feet, but has nothing to do with the rode markings. Brian
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    Why is my 94 sailfish a 27'

    1994 GW catalog lists boat as a 25 Sailfish, with a centerline length of 25'4". My experience is that a wet slip will either charge you for the boat length based on model (e.g. our 270 Islander is a 27ft boat, despite the bow pulpit and engines extending that significantly), or they will charge...
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    Seco South???

    I have personally purchased two rodes from Seco South, and a few friends have as well based on my recommendation. I can splice most anything, including proper chain splices, but it just wasn't worth it to buy all the bits myself. Most recent was 600-ft of 1/2" 8-plait spliced to 30-ft of 1/4"...
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    Outrigger rigging upgrade

    Have done the same and now use dacron. Recommend two different colors for the long and short riggers - much easier for those less-experienced folks on board when one is red and the other is blue, or black. Get small pulleys in the sailboat rigging section of the marine hardware store. I use a...
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    Electronics for a 2003 270

    I'm also 68. Retired from the USN in 1993 and retiring again next Spring. We are moving from Norfolk, VA to Ft. Myers Beach, FL and will be taking the boat down on her bottom in April. We bought the boat new with a single OX66 250HP 2-stroke, but repowered in the third year for greater fuel...