
Jan 14, 2014
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The washdown on my 2001 248 Voyager has never worked correctly ( I bought it used) I have drained the tank, put a clorox solution in to kill any growth, but still not working. I can hear the pump operating so any suggestions would be appreciated.
I don't know your particular model, but in most cases the pump will have some type of filter between the tank and the pump. Sometimes it's a separate piece, other times it's actually part of the pump. There is usually a small, SS screen inside that can get gunked up. Clean it out and retry. The other thing that can get gunked up would be the actual spray nozzle - do the same thing - take it apart and clean it. Even try the pump without the nozzle on, if you want. Past that, you're looking for an air leak (fittings not connected fully) or the pump is shot. It could be that the last time the system was winterized, they disconnected the line from the tank to do the job.
Does the pump run and then stop or run continuously? Does the pump run, stutter and them run again? These tests are done with the nozzle closed. As Dennis mentioned, most likely there is a filter and it is clogged.
let us know what the pump actually does and we can go from there.
Do you have a 2001 model? If so, the washdown should be raw (salt) water powered by a rocker switch.
There is no filter that I'm aware of, just a seacock to a pump to the washdown sprayer.
You can take apart or remove the sprayer and see what you get. My guess is you will find the pump is running but not pumping. Most likely the pump.

If it is a fresh water connection, I'd check the hose at the sprayer first. If no water pressure, you have to trace the line and look for a filter or the pump is bad. Those pumps don't last all that long.

You said washdown, which is raw water, but you mentioned the tank so I think you are referring to the fresh water system.

The fresh water pump has a built-in screen on the inlet side of the pump. Easy to open and clean. F you had gunk grow in the tank, then the inlet screen is almost certainly clogged. You may have to repeat this several times if there is crud in the tank and piping.
ocnslr said:
You said washdown, which is raw water, but you mentioned the tank so I think you are referring to the fresh water system.

I was kind of wondering the same thing - but the word "tank" made me think fresh water, too.

However, maybe the OP doesn't know the difference? Or is just assuming there is a tank? If we're really talking about the raw water washdown, then the first/easiest thing to check is that the seacock is open.