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  1. O

    Thanks all

    Nice post, Russ. USN 1965-1993, ET, Nuc, SubSchool, NESEP, SWO. E-1 to E-5 and O-1 to O-5. Most tours in engineering, with best tours as CHENG on a frigate and XO on a DD. Second career was 23 years as Director of IT for a large college of education at a large university. Self-taught...
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    New Owner Sailfish 274 Bow Pulpit Smaller Slip fee Mod

    Almost 72 years old. Been around power and sail boats since age 12. USN for 28 years, ship driver, licensed 1600-ton Master, Unlimited Chief Mate, USN Offshore Sailing Skipper. Lots of experience and some things just jump out. Thanks for the compliment. If you're ever in FMB area I'll...
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    New GW Freedom 335

    Definitely get a VHF with AIS receiver built in. BUT, there are many with NMEA2K so why bother with the old 0183, as you are unlikely to need it for anything else.
  4. O

    Can you name the different models?

    Sailfish 272/282 was smallest with midship berth. Islander never had midship berth. Islander had separate, stand up head compartment, with shower. Don't know of any GW with midship berth and beam under 9-6, i.e. Sailfish.
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    New Owner Sailfish 274 Bow Pulpit Smaller Slip fee Mod

    I agree nothing blocking them once they are reinstalled correctly. My comment was if they were intentionally done bass-ackwards then the light would be significantly blocked by the stanchion just forward of each one.
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    Why the change in 2004-2005 Islander?

    Loved our Islander. Bought new in Feb 2002, sold on January 12, 2019. Tens of thousands of miles under her keel. Up and down the entire Chesapeake Bay, Delmarva circumnavigations, scores of trips to the Norfolk Canyon, ICW and OOW move from Norfolk to Fort Myers Beach, and finally some...
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    New Owner Sailfish 274 Bow Pulpit Smaller Slip fee Mod

    Your nav lights are backwards. And if you did it on purpose, the stanchions are blocking the intended "cross visibility". Illegal setup.
  8. O

    Windlass - opinions please

    Sorry, but that is a "short splice", and it doubles the diameter of the line. It will almost surely jam in the windlass, even if tapered. You would need to make a "long splice", and your tucks would have to be very good as well...
  9. O

    Might be moving to FLA

    We moved permanently from Norfolk, VA to Fort Myers Beach in April/May 2016. My wife and I ran the boat down the ICW and across the OWW. A great 1200-mile trip. Yes, your boat is a bit smaller, but quite capable. Make a journey out of it, enjoy the scenery, smell the roses, then fly home and...
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    2006 Sailfish 2660 WAC curtains

    You're on the wrong website for a Sailfish 2660.
  11. O

    New Owner Sailfish 274 Bow Pulpit Smaller Slip fee Mod

    Concur with above comments re short deck in front of windlass. Additionally, the windlass will be almost useless that far firward, as there isn't sufficient "fall" into the locker for the rode to fall down into the locker. You should have moved it aft. Search for my posts with photos. Also...
  12. O

    Grady White 258 Voyager

    Concur with the comments above. Just sold a 270 Islander with almost 160 hrs on twin F150s. Over 50 offshore trips to 65-70nm out, with four or five people and full gear. Lots of speed and power.
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    Saltwater Wash down and Livewell pumps on Islander 268 (Location?)

    Exactly. And I don't think you could install there without major obstacle removal AND a very skillful eight year old who can fit down there.
  14. O

    2004 257 - Head Operation

    I haven't seen a Y valve on a GW. Usually, the Y valve is located in the head discharge, to send the discharge to either the holding tank, or overboard. That is why USCG and other inspectors look for it to be locked or wired sahut when in no-discharge waters, so head discharge can not easily...
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    Islander vs sailfish late 90's

    Regularly fished 75nm off Virginia Beach for 11 years, and happy to run 65nm out into the GOM the last two years.
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    Head and pump out

    See where I bolded that statement. ^^^^
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    Head and pump out

    I don't mind, but I've been on this forum since it started, and those pics have all been up here at one time. :) :) :) Without the explanation, some may be confused by all the other "stuff" in those photos. Next you'll want to know where and how I installed the inverter, so we can easily...
  18. O

    Head and pump out

    On our boat, the holding tank is under the hatch on the bridge deck. The fresh water tank is aft, and the holding tank forward. It should be a 10-gal tank, mounted athwartships. It should be visible if you remove the pie plate at the forward end of that hatch. The Groco tank has an internal...
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    New Boat owner - Fisherman 216

    1. Retrofitting fresh water difficult, costly, and probably not worth the effort. Get a couple of these and use when/where needed. Sun Shower Bag No need to have the extra weight of a fresh water tank on board when not needed, and these will definitely warm the water. There are 5-gallon...
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    New owner needs tips!

    Congrats and best wishes with your Grady. Just for nomenclature, the "bilge" is a part, or section, of the boat. Every boat has one. A "bilge pump" is a device installed to dewater that low area in the boat. Welcome aboard.