New owner needs tips!


GreatGrady Captain
Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Hi all, I just purchased a 1999 GW Adventure 208. My previous boat was a 17 whaler, so it did not have a bilge.
Anything specific to look after on these boats? Any easy way to change the bilge pump? Has anyone added another bilge? Pictures would be great. I hope to get it out on the water in a few weeks. Thanks in advance!
I have 98 208 I have never needed or seen the bilge pump operate while using the boat , I test it a few time a year ,when I check the bilge it is dry at the dock ,some water does drain when removing the plug and raising the bow after the entire season on the trailer .The boat is self draining through the rear scuppers .Fantastic boat with great Grady customer service I have often contacted them for advise .
The only time I see the bilge pump is when I launch it on the ramp each season. In general as stated, the bilge is extremely dry. Water does seem to collect forward, probably from anchor locker seepage when it rains. That water does not drain into the rear bilge until the hull is at a fairly steep angle that is doesn't get to e when stored on the trailer, only when on the launch ramp. Is this normal? I don't know but it has been that way for many years.
With regard to replacing the bilge pump, access to the bilge is a royal pain. The two deck plates don't offer a lot of access room. Many moons ago, I looked into cutting out a larger opening and installing a deck hatch instead of the two round plates. The complication is that you need a hatch that allows the cover to be removed and not just hinged. There is not enough clearance to the motor for a hinged deck hatch. There are such hatches but they can be expensive and hard to find on the usual boat parts sites.
Thanks guys! The current bilge does work. I'll try to install a back up in a few weeks. I have not had the boat out yet and am anxious to get it on the water.
Congrats and best wishes with your Grady.

Just for nomenclature, the "bilge" is a part, or section, of the boat. Every boat has one.

A "bilge pump" is a device installed to dewater that low area in the boat.

Welcome aboard.
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Make sure you find a proper place to mount a new pump. The last thing you want to do is drill a hole in the wrong place.
Thanks FishTales. Agree on location. Still thinking it over, not sure if I want to add another thu hole for a second pump or somehow tie it into existing plumbing (which I have read may cause other issues). I may start another post on adding a 2nd pump to get a sense what most folks do.
Thanks FishTales. Agree on location. Still thinking it over, not sure if I want to add another thu hole for a second pump or somehow tie it into existing plumbing (which I have read may cause other issues). I may start another post on adding a 2nd pump to get a sense what most folks do.

First, its really good to have a second pump as a backup and to double the volume you can pump in an emergency.

I like to have a pump in the fwd part of the bilge because thats where water goes when the boat is sitting still. With just a stern bilge pump, the bilge has to fill up enough to reach the pump.

A 20 footer that did not have an original fwd pump probably does not have a mounting "pad" of wood glassed into the hull in a forward location .
If you can find a place with access and ability to run wires and hose, you can silicone or epoxy down a mounting pad and screw down the new pump and float switch..

It is best to keep bilge pump hoses short and direct. The water that doesn't get out will run back.
That said, it might be impossible to get a hose thru a stringer to get out to the side. You may be stuck running it aft to get out.
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Thanks SkunkBoat! I may try to mount another bilge further forward in the current bilge as you suggested, or slightly higher. Thanks again for all the feedback.