Search results

  1. lazy grady

    1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system

    6/25/24 1994 Mercrusier 350 Mag ECT bravo closed cooling system runs hot on water hose and in water. Installed new thermostat, still runs hot. Water expelling from stern drive leg (exhaust ports) running extremely hard at idle as compared to when there was no issues. Thinking that water...
  2. lazy grady


    6/2/24 I have a 24' Grady on a trailer. I want to polish and wax it. The fiberglass is clean and in good shape. I keep the boat on a lift when in use and a covered trailer in the off season. Question: is it worth the effort to polish and wax the under area? I am 75 years old.
  3. lazy grady

    Looking too place my 96" rhodan on the bow port side on 232 Gulfstream 2001. I sae a seasewiwel mount that just came out. Anyone with any input or pix

    5/12/24 installed similar motor on my 23' Explorer Walk Around on bow pull Pitt. I remove it when not fishing to accommodate "walk around". Interested, respond?
  4. lazy grady

    282 Sailfish - Water in fuel!?!?

    Check the "sleeve" from the filler cap to the tank.
  5. lazy grady

    Walk Around Bow Rail

    4/8/24 Relative to my 1992 GW Explorer Walk Around 24', thinking I might reduce bow rails to say 4" to 6 " in height? My thinking is this will eliminate or help eliminate rails hitting while docking as well as provide for no need to provide a gate at the bow sprit given I am mounting a trolling...
  6. lazy grady

    Bow mount trolling motor on a fisherman 180

    Never fished for an entire day, Old Dude! Use it in the Pamlico Sound and near shore in ocean. With 3' plus waves, I would question effectiveness on my 24'. I did not do the set up, had it done. I can send you pictures of the parts in that I just took it off one GW moving it to another. You...
  7. lazy grady

    Bow mount trolling motor on a fisherman 180

    I have upfitted a 24' GW Explorer with a trolling motor. Enclosed are pictures. Sent from my iPhone
  8. lazy grady

    power trim and tilt

    pt&t switch at motor NOT helm has not worked for several months. I use the helm switch. The pt&t switch at the motor is and has been unhooked for several months. APPARENTLY MY MECHANIC LEFT IT "NOT HOOKED UP" WHEN HE DECISIONED NOT TO REPAIR IT. THE SWITCH AT THE MOTOR (HOUSING) IS IN...
  9. lazy grady

    power trim and tilt

    Pt&t has not been working for several months. Mechanic recommended not to replace, to costly given labor to remove. He left it unhooked. That I found out today. I have taken the cowl off, letting the motor dry out (switch areas). I am spraying both ends of the switches with moisture...
  10. lazy grady

    power trim and tilt

    2/28/24 took cowl off. Pt&t switch unhooked. Question: could moisture still be the problem? Note 2 switch ends were laying in the bottom of the motor. One had salt corrosion on a terminal. Thinking, clean them up, then tape them up. It appears from U Tube and my mechanic that replacing...
  11. lazy grady

    power trim and tilt

    Great. I will try it today.
  12. lazy grady

    power trim and tilt

    2/27/24 Thanks a bunch. It appears I need to disconnect the pt&t switch that is on the starboard side of the motor? If this is the problem switch, not at the throttle; perhaps the issue will be resolved? I note that the switch on the motor has not been operable for several months. I elected...
  13. lazy grady

    power trim and tilt

    2/25/24 Thanks to all! My mechanical skills are limited. Locating the various wires, relays, trim motor and cowl/throttle switches maybe difficult? I will take a look however. Went back to the boat yesterday. Same problem. Turned battery switch on, pt&t started operating immediately with...
  14. lazy grady

    power trim and tilt

    sounds right. my switch at the motor does not work. where is the switch at the helm, in the throttle handle? Do I just remove the cover and spray wd in it?
  15. lazy grady

    power trim and tilt

    2009 Yamaha F-250 with say 700 hours. Serviced annually. Thinking of greasing the rods on motor as well as putting electronic lubricant in throttle handle. Concerning in that "if it ain't broke, it is hard to fix"!!!!
  16. lazy grady

    power trim and tilt

    2/22/24 Went to boat. Cut battery switch on. When I hit PT&T switch to lower motor, motor would not go down even though PT&T motor was running. PT&T motor ran continuously until I cut battery switch off. Tried operation several times, same result. Lowered motor manually. When I cut battery...
  17. lazy grady

    Fresh water gunwal shower nozzle and faucet will not work

    I also note that the cabin faucet works irrespective of which pump is primed? Also either pump will prime while the other runs continuously. I am thinking there must be a suction leak in the out going or incoming line that feeds the gunwal faucet and shower? I am somewhat perplexed!
  18. lazy grady

    Fresh water gunwal shower nozzle and faucet will not work

    Thanks, I will check the things you site. Feel like it is a suction problem given one of the two pumps in the system runs continuously while the other works properly?
  19. lazy grady

    Fresh water gunwal shower nozzle and faucet will not work

    Will check. Thanks. Where are the aerators?