power trim and tilt

It "could be" moisture... but it's probably lower down on the possibility list. Start with seeing what happens with it disconnected. Give it at least a couple outings to see if the problem stays away. Slop the connections with grease - then add tape if you want to.

I guess the replacement depends on access - I've done this on a couple different engines, including my 2-stroke 250HP and it was a pretty mundane/easy thing. Although I haven't done it on your engine, off hand I can't think of why it would be different?
Pt&t has not been working for several months. Mechanic recommended not to replace, to costly given labor to remove. He left it unhooked. That I found out today.

I have taken the cowl off, letting the motor dry out (switch areas). I am spraying both ends of the switches with moisture resistant stuff and plan to tape the ends up.

I will hope for no reoccurrence?
Pt&t has not been working for several months. Mechanic recommended not to replace, to costly given labor to remove. He left it unhooked. That I found out today.

I have taken the cowl off, letting the motor dry out (switch areas). I am spraying both ends of the switches with moisture resistant stuff and plan to tape the ends up.

I will hope for no reoccurrence?
I'm not following what you are saying. In this post you are saying that PT&T has not been working for months... but in previous posts it was. Replacing the cowling tilt switch (what we were just recently talking about) is not a costly thing - so, again, I'm not sure what you're getting at?

Also, are you now talking about taping up the electrical connections that are still "made"? That's different than what we just previously discussed, too. Don't do that - it will end up trapping moisture.
Can’t speak to the F250, but on my OX225, it was a 10 mm socket and five minutes to remove and replace. Switch was $27.49 on Amazon.
if like my last three Yamaha motors, that connection you found is three wires. Use a test light grounded to the block to see if you have power to one of the terminals. Power should be red, and up and down either be black and white or blue and green.
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If you had the switch removed as opposed to just disconnected and the opening for the switch was not sealed, that can be an issue and not just for the switch wires. In addition, if you unplug the connector(s) for the switch you need to seal the motor side connector.
If you had the switch removed as opposed to just disconnected and the opening for the switch was not sealed, that can be an issue and not just for the switch wires. In addition, if you unplug the connector(s) for the switch you need to seal the motor side connector.
pt&t switch at motor NOT helm has not worked for several months. I use the helm switch. The pt&t switch at the motor is and has been unhooked for several months. APPARENTLY MY MECHANIC LEFT IT "NOT HOOKED UP" WHEN HE DECISIONED NOT TO REPAIR IT. THE SWITCH AT THE MOTOR (HOUSING) IS IN PLACE. NO OPENING. I HAVE SPRAYED BOTH ENDS OF THE CONNECTORS WITH MOISTURE RESISTANT STUFF AND TAPED EACH END UP SEPARATELY.
Got it.
Tape in itself is a lousy sealing option but better than nothing. There are sealing connectors that match the existing or sealing caps and plugs that mate to individual wires.
All that aside, I lost track of what the problem is:)
OK, it was a bit confusing there when you mentioned the PT&T wasn't working... but what you really meant was the SWITCH at the engine wasn't working. In hindsight, telling us that part or telling us that it was disconnected for a while since it wasn't working would have been good to mention right away! :)

BUT, no, what you did by drying things out and taping things up WILL NOT fix the problem - that switch is not your issue. The only way it could have been an issue is if the disconnected wires were shorting together - and anyone worth their salt would have protected against that when they disconnected it. And, you most likely would have noticed this when you pplayed with them.

So, we're back to, most likely, the relays.

Re-read what I said about taping. But it's your call if you want to do it - I'm just saying what I did because I've seen what it can do many, many times.
Just to be different, my vote is for the helm station t/t switch.