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  1. D

    Fresh water tank filling issues.

    We don’t have a gauge.
  2. D

    Fresh water tank filling issues.

    We pumped the little bit that was in there. We did not get a survey. We tested the systems and it pumped fine so we didn’t think there would be an issue filling it.
  3. D

    Fresh water tank filling issues.

    Pump works. Pumped out the but that was in there and then it spit air.
  4. D

    Fresh water tank filling issues.

    Same filler location. I tried to shove the hose in there and do that. I might chop the end of the hose off and try again. Thank you for the reply.
  5. D

    Fresh water tank filling issues.

    It’s not full. It pumps out the little bit that’s in the tank either out of the outlet near the filler on the front of the motor well, or out of the port hand wash spigot then stops.
  6. D

    Fresh water tank filling issues.

    We just purchased a 208 Adventure a few weeks ago. I tried to fill the fresh water tank through the aft port side filler cap. The hose inlet appears to be in tact and the input hose doesn’t seem to be clogged when I put a flexible line into it about 3 feet. However, when i try to fill the tank...