1977 25 ft GW Kingfish

For a net $400, probably not a bad deal. Just how submerged was it? The gellcoat doesn't look bad at all, the previous owner probably took care of her.
the boat was not submerged it was beached and had water run through the boat, but since the engines are so low they got alot of water in them. We don't know the whole story on the boat all we know was it was beached because engine failure, the hull is in great shape and gell coat, the transom has to come out not only because it needs to but we are going to put a brackect on with outboards, so it needs way more support now. The boat had alot of sand in it which protected it in a way because it absorbed any water that got in. All the stringers are solid, some of the floor boards need to be replaced but overall in good condition. It looks as if the previous owner took great care of her, he probally got a new GW out of the deal. Its a great hull I will tell you what
I/O to Outboards

I will be following your progress as well, I am interested to see how you like the conversion.
I too have an old Grady, but after reading thread after thread in various forums of owners who have done the conversion and hated it, I'm just gonna stick with the old Mercruiser 470 that is runs like a sewing machine. I basically wanted to do the outboard to free up the deck space as you have said.

Here is what I've gathered from the fiberglass repair shop, standard I/O transom thickness is 1 1/2 inches. Didn't ask or compare it to Outboard transoms.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Re: I/O to Outboards

quote="deerslayer303"]I will be following your progress as well, I am interested to see how you like the conversion.
I too have an old Grady, but after reading thread after thread in various forums of owners who have done the conversion and hated it, I'm just gonna stick with the old Mercruiser 470 that is runs like a sewing machine. I basically wanted to do the outboard to free up the deck space as you have said.

Here is what I've gathered from the fiberglass repair shop, standard I/O transom thickness is 1 1/2 inches. Didn't ask or compare it to Outboard transoms.

Good luck and keep us posted.
i did 2 layers of 3/4 plywood and to finish it off with 24oz fiberglass that baby is strong and looks so pertty[/quote]
ok so i pretty much finished the transom this weekend just have to do the outside part small stuff and extending stringers and supports for transom thats next weekend. ok here r some new pics

clean transom just the old outside layer of fiberglass



our handy tool, thank God for this or I would have chissled forever


now for the new transom
1st layer

2nd layer and glassed with 24 oz mat

To cool. Looks good so far, except the pics are on the small side. I have had a 79 kingfish going on five years now. After buying it, I have never even considered another boat. Thats a first. Hope you keep us updated,
I would love to see how the changes turn out.
I like the bench idea. Guess the old motor space is delegated to fuel?
nauditq said:
To cool. Looks good so far, except the pics are on the small side. I have had a 79 kingfish going on five years now. After buying it, I have never even considered another boat. Thats a first. Hope you keep us updated,
I would love to see how the changes turn out.
I like the bench idea. Guess the old motor space is delegated to fuel?
Fuel, fish boxes, then in the stern cap I will put a huge live well in the middle then on each side storage and battery ect acess. There is so much fishing room now I am also putting new floor boards on just to make her all new.
So this weekend I worked on the stern cap and the outside of the transom. I sanded and grinded the whole outside of the transom to take off all the paint then wiped it clean with acetone. I mixed the resin with cabasil and fill in the twon transom holes then put a layer of fiberlglass over top of that then another layer of resin and hardner.the next step will be to put the a finish matte across the whole back to hold everything together. I also worked on the stern cap and I am still in the process of getting it back to its old shape. Next week I am going to tie all the stringers back in and make supports for the new stern cap and new livewell. Having alot fun and learning alot about fiberglass doing it myself, I probaly spent about $600 on the stern cap and transom. oh and saving a ton of money!Here are the pics for this past weekend.


after but not finished completly



Now for the transom




sorry pics r so small i can't make them any bigger evertime i try they just show up as words
So I finished glassing everything in and added the stringers and glassed those in and started on the insulated fix boxes on the sides 4 feet in legth each, then I still have to make a big one in the back about 8 ft in lenth and 2 ft wide. Well here are more pics,I am going to do floor boards next I have a gas tank on order.





ok so i got the custom gas tank in and finished my fish boxes this weekend and cut the marine ply for the floorboards here are some pics of the fish boxes.



so i have 2 4 ft fish boxes and 1 6ft fish box, they were all insulated with divinicell. My gas tank is a 135 gallons. I have to spray the bilge area with bilgekote and install floorboards, hopefully I will do the floorboards this weekend.
Hey jnkfarrow, looks like a nice job you are doing. I had a 1979 25' Kingfisher with twin 470s. Those engines were great on fuel. Twin outboards will be nice.
I'm redoing transom on my 22' Seafarer. I'm in Vero Beach also, up by 512. Did you get your material at Boat Builder Central down on "old dixie"?
Good luck with your Kingfisher. Mike
VeroWing said:
Hey jnkfarrow, looks like a nice job you are doing. I had a 1979 25' Kingfisher with twin 470s. Those engines were great on fuel. Twin outboards will be nice.
I'm redoing transom on my 22' Seafarer. I'm in Vero Beach also, up by 512. Did you get your material at Boat Builder Central down on "old dixie"?
Good luck with your Kingfisher. Mike

No I usually get my material from marine connection in fort pierce, he has the best deals I looked everywhere before i started to purchase, i looked at boat builder central, they are very nice down there, but ronny and his team help out so much with what I need and advice so it keeps me coming back. You should check him out he just got a ton of fiberglass in and it is super cheap I think I paid $21 for 30 ft of the 24oz matte. I get my marine ply at sturgis, I am a GC so I get a discount for that, I just try and find the best prices. Well good luck with your build to, it is a project but I am having a blast. Thanks Again, Josh
JNK...did you make your own fish boxes or simply buy/replace the existing ones? If you made them, what did you use for molds?
richie rich said:
JNK...did you make your own fish boxes or simply buy/replace the existing ones? If you made them, what did you use for molds?
I made my own. I first used 1/4 inch plywood scrap wood to make the mold then put my divinicell in the mold cut it to it, then glassed the divinicell which is insulating foam in with 24 oz matte took it out of the wood mold and glassed the back, when I install it i will do more glassing ect. If you need exact step by step pm me and i can tell you every little detail.
ok so i finished cutting out the floorboards today finished glassing in the inside of the live well, got all the drains run for the three fish boxes, got the floorboards fitted into the boat and glassed the bottom side with 24 oz matte. Measured all the cut outs for gas tanks, fish boxes, ect. Tomorrow i will cut those out. well here are some pics.













I finished cutting out all the holes for all the fish boxes ect and bilgekoted the bottom here are some pictures







JNK....I didn't notice before or maybe I just can't tell from the picture, but I didn't see any limber holes at the transom end where the supports and stringers meet the transom....were they there originally? Mine had holes in each stringer allowing any moisture to run down from the gunwale to the center of the bilge......maybe your design is different.