I purchased this boat new in 1983, has 2 90HP Johnsons hanging on it. I used it in the gulf off Galveston for 3-4 years then moved to Indiana and ran it in Freshwater for another 6-8 years then started a business and put it in a heated building and stored it from 1998 to present. I am 74 years young and decided to pull it out and get a few more trips on the water with it before the big guy in the sky punches my clock. Ive pounded on the transom and cant tell whats under the fiberglass. I live in East Central Indiana and would like to know how to make sure I dont drop my two johnsons in the lake this spring. When I was a kid sitting in the back of a 16 foot fiberglass boat on the Intercoastal canal in Galveston we were pulling a small shrimp net and pulled the transom off and ended up in the water. Lost my wallet and glasses and really dont need to experience that again. You guy know your stuff, help an old man out please.