Received new tank yesterday. Thanking Shaun (UCPA111) -I think that stands for U See Pennsylvania...I grew up outside Pittsburgh. And Paul Spisak from Patriot Marine Fabricating in NJ for making such a nice looking tank that was tested to USCG standards, and packaged superbly for transit across the country. He also welded an extra plate where my fuel sending unit goes-I appreciate that.
I used my friend's house to do the work that doesn't have an aggressive HOA (I got a letter in 2 days from having my boat in front of my house

Dry fit the new tank in the coffin. Figured out how thick the side and end spacers should be, then cut a PVC board for spacers, clamped and glued so the would be easier to install. Marked where I wanted the spacers to go for the side lag bolts.
Used 5200 to attach the closed cell neoprene to the wood supports that go on top of the tank. Then glued the strips to the bottom of the coffin. Opposite of what Davis Pascoe suggests for an install, but in my case the fiberglass pads that the tank sits on were a bit uneven and I want the tank to sit solidly on the bottom, so I could adjust the strips to the contours of the existing pads.
Tomorrow will install the new tank into coffin