1991 johnson 200hp help!!! please

hi to all again today was a wonderful day lol i got my powerhead off..... such a relief. the shaft was stuck up in the powerhead. but now that ive got that off i am looking to replace the small section that is in between the mid section housing and the bottom of the powerhead the housing that has the exhaust tube on it, could anyone tell me what that would be called so i can look on ebay. also i am replacing the steering part that is real rusty in the pic above any idea what i type in to fing that lol... thanks

are u talking about the 2 fiberglass pieces that the hood latches too? if so, they should be referred to as lower cowlings.

i looked into replacing this as well, and even if you find one used, its probably in no better shape than what you have. from the dealer, if i recall it was around 1000.00. sand down the rust as much as you can, seal it prime it spray it and rock on with it!

i used all moeller paint on my lowers, worked good.

no i was auctually talking about the metal peice the powerhead bolts to and that steering device that u can see in the pic is well rusted.

that peice just below the powerhead that it auctually bolts for but i found it its called like an exhaust housing lol its expensive, and i think that has to due to the fact I need it lol

thanks chris[/list]