2 stroke oil burn


GreatGrady Captain
Dec 30, 2021
Reaction score
Poughkeepsie, NY
The last time I had a 2 stroke outboard we mixed the oil & gas in 6 gallon tanks! With a 2000 250-OX and the oil tank, do I just keep pouring oil into the tank? How much spare oil should I carry if I am making a 150 mile trip. The main tank is 105 gallons, the auxiliary tank is 52 gallons.
It will depend on a lot of factors but until yuo have your own real numbers assume 1 gal of oil for every 50 gals of gas.
You have a 2 gallon tank?
I had twin 225 ox and two tanks. I always ran out at the 200 mile mark...short of the inlet... oh ya...twin ox225s got 1 mpg
Always I always had 2 extra gallons onboard. Hated it. Bought 4 strokes.
Buy Walmart oil or get Pennzoil at Auto store. $20 or less. Yamaha oil is a waste of money.
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I will be figuring that out myself. 1995 250. Probably carry an extra gallon or two. Won't be fishing, just cruising. May try a Delmarva loop once the boat gets used to me.
The Yamaha precision oil system when correctly adjusted uses a ratio of about 100:1 or more at slow loads and speeds and increases that to maybe 40:1 at WOT so your answer depends on how hard you are running. Those ratios are per engine.
Buy Yamaha XLF for $17/gal at Walmart. I keep a couple in the boat. When the horn goes off, I add a gallon.
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