200 Yamaha HPDI 265 OWNERS- Do these numbers seem right?

Re: 265 Fuel economy

Summer Rae said:
What esle would you say about the 265? Would you buy the same model again?

Yes... in a heart beat...

Half of the time the boat is too small, and half of the time it is too big....

There for it is just right for me! :D

My wife and I will over night up to 3-4 nights at Block Island, I will take her out single handled to fly fish the local river, or pack her with six people, ice, 250 gallons of fuel and head 100 miles out for tuna.

Great boat for my style of fishing - period

I would ONLY get HPDI's (or OX66 2 strokes) if the boat was a 2000 or a 2001 - if it was a 2002 or new I would explore either motors.....

I would buy this model again if I had a "do-over". I looked at the Sailfish as well, but I concluded that I like the transom better on the 265, plus the seating is better for me- i have little kids. I have been out in some wicked seas, the boat is tough, i can't see how the sailfish would have been any tougher, but I do wonder. I have the hpdi's, but I would like to have the four strokes, although the fuel burn seems similar, they are quieter, less smoke etc. I would recommend this boat, i do believe it is the best boat in it's class.
the more I run my 265 and learn it the more I love my 265. Its one awesome boat for the money. Its not to big and its not to small, its got that wide beam and its a heavy solid feel to her. Its got the big bow that is really nice in a chop or head sea. I like the boat more and more. Its a big boat for a 26ft boat, I looked for 8 months before I settled on the 265. I wanted to make sure I did not get too small of a boat or too big of a boat. I wanted to get a boat that had twins and was fast, but ok on gas. I wanted a boat that had good range for the tuna grounds and I wanted to get a boat that I could cruise with as well as fish. I wanted it all. lol So far I am very glad I got the 265. The boat handels well in close quarters also. I wanted a dry ride as well as we get a cold head chop all the time in the SF bay and NW winds in the Ocean. The waters cold so I wanted a dry as ride as I could get. The people who already own this boat over here really helped me make up my mind on the 265 and were very honest with the ride of the boat, in fact almost dead on on numbers. I wish you the best in what ever boat you get.
twinyams265 said:
I would buy this model again if I had a "do-over". I looked at the Sailfish as well, but I concluded that I like the transom better on the 265, plus the seating is better for me- i have little kids. I have been out in some wicked seas, the boat is tough, i can't see how the sailfish would have been any tougher, but I do wonder. I have the hpdi's, but I would like to have the four strokes, although the fuel burn seems similar, they are quieter, less smoke etc. I would recommend this boat, i do believe it is the best boat in it's class.

I agree! I have a 2000 265 with t-200 OXs! I think it's the best overall 26'
cabin boat going outboard or inboard!