2000 26ft grady

Mr. white

New Member
Jun 24, 2019
Reaction score
Express 265
Hey guys, buddy just got a 2000 26ft grady. Last night while doing about 20knts the boat would just lean HARD to the left or right for no reason. It was like we got broadside from a big wave however water was flat. Any ideas? Thanx in advance.
Well, if I was a bettin man... and I am not.. I would say, tell the fat guy to stop leaning left.... jes sayin.. lol

Seriously, first off, welcome :)

If the water was flat, could be a few things.

Would need to know.. how did you "fix" it? Did you turn hard to port and then it "righted itself"?

Did you keep going straight and it just righted itself?

Twin engines or single?

any lights on the trim tabs?

Did you hear any sort of difference in the engine?

Answer those and then maybe some smarter folks can answer ya better than me.. heh

And post pics of the boat or we do not believe you! ;) (just kiddin. but post some anyway because all the cool cats do!)

It's hard to say with limited info, but the first thing that comes to mind is that you guys might be new to operating boats? Or at least operating a boat that has larger engines with trim and trim tabs.

-- Was he playing with the trim tabs? Newbies to trim tabs always hold the button down too long.
-- Too much "trim down" on the engines and/or tabs can cause that issue, as well.
-- If it's got twins, may have been playing around with the trim too much and the engines weren't even.

In other words, by far, the most common reason for that issue is operator error - meaning, the boat was doing exactly as it should, given the input. Let's get answers to those (along with Russ's questions) and then we can go from there.
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Twin 225. He had to slow down almost to a stop then started again. No lights on trim tabs, he did keep messing with them. We are not new to boating however new to this boat with twins
OK, try again - but this time get the tabs fully retracted and don't mess with them. Focus on engine trim only for now - making sure to trim up sufficiently once on plane.

EDIT: Wrong terminology used! Better now... Thanks, One Knot.
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The 265 can be very sensitive to trim compared to other boats/models. Takes a little practice, but when you get used to it she is a beast. Assuming you looked at all other variables.
I am going with the "fat guy" story... that is me.. I shift my weight, the boat heads to China... jes sayin.. ;)

It's humor...all I got :P

Have to learn how to use the trim tabs.....trim motors up to optimum performance and then gently apply tabs to correct any heel like you are describing....keyword....GENTLY. My 24 offshore is very sensitive to the tabs.

You will have to adjust trim as sea/wind conditions change as well....like rounding a point etc.

I very often run through a trestle on my way out to fish and as the trestle blocks the wind the boat will lean over one way and as I come out the other side it will go right back....it is a constant learning experience.
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OK, try again - but this time get the tabs fully deployed and don't mess with them. Focus on engine trim only for now - making sure to trim up sufficiently once on plane.

I think what Dennis meant to say (correct me if I'm wrong Dennis) is to make sure the tabs are completely retracted, and that is very good advice till you get this figured out.
It sounds to me like "bow steer" is causing your listing. It may list quite dramatically depending on loading. A bow heavy situation can cause it. With a cabin forward boat, especially if there is weighty items stored inside, and a light fuel load, and not a lot of people weight in the stern, then immediately upon achieving plane the engines must be trimmed out to get the bow up so it doesn't get more bite than the stern. Try running the boat at speed with the engines trimmed out just short of blowout and see if the uncontrolled listing still occurs.
I will tell you when I got my 2001 265 last year, after one or two trips I was ready to trade it in and go back to my SeaVee center console. I came on here and these fine gentleman gave me pretty much the same advice they’re giving you and it made a world of difference. Retract your tabs trim your motors down when the boat gets on a plane gently trim the motors up a bit. That part is tricky for me because my trim gauge is broken but you’ll develop a feel for it. If your boat is indeed a 265 As the fuel get low the boat gets a little Squirrley , but she’s an absolute beast when she’s full of fuel. I’ve only got about 100 or so hours behind the helm of this boat and I am still figuring it out but when you get her right she’s an absolute beast as they said .
This makes me feel better. I have a freedom 275 and this happened to me this past weekend. Yes I was messing with the trim tabs.
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I have a 265. If you mess with the tabs it will do that. I have used tabs to level the boat and to keep the bow down and it works until you turn(even the slightest turn) or come down a swell and then all bets are off.
I always run tabs all up now except when experimenting. I keep hoping I'll figure it out. Thought about getting the indicator buttons but I don't think its worth it.
My experiments show me they are more trouble than help. Made several 120+ round trips this year and it was ALWAYS better with no tabs.
Better fuel burn and never a hard right or left lean out of nowhere.
This boat rides GREAT without tabs. Just stay above 25mph...preferrably 28-35 cruise...slow is BAD even in slop.
If you are leaning, move a cooler or a body and run.
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I purchsed a 2005 265 express a couple years ago did lots of work on the engines and took her fishing for the first time this year. I had the same problem boat sudenly listed hard to port and it felt like we were going over. She is very touchy when it comes to trimming her out and I can only assume my experience was due to operator error because it hasn't happened again. She is gonna take some getting used to
Yeah I'm going to agree with the guys above. I recently purchased a 2000 226 and have experienced the same thing occasionally, and know it's because of my fumbling with the trim tabs (mine don't have the fancy lights) as I learn how to use them in different conditions. Kind of freaked my wife out the first time it happened. She thought something was wrong with the boat but I explained that the problem wasn't the boat it was me learning how to operate this new boat properly. I'm 50 hours in now and much better but I can tell I'm not where I want to be yet in being able to handle this boat with the trim tabs where I feel like the master and commander. The hull design is very different from my previous center console which also didn't have trim tabs. But even with that, the majority of the time I'm out I'm still smiling at how stable this thing is. I'm very happy with my purchase.
I have a 2001 256 express ,my first boat on my life and I love it, I'm learning about it and navigation tips at same time, I think the best speed for this boat is 30 to 36 mph,and check the steering system, when I bought my boat the first year was run with the steering pump damage and I was scared because the boat get suddenly to left or right,I changed the steering pump and now is a real grady white,no more compliance, is a machine,when the wind is push me from the side I used gently the trim tab and work great,you can run with 2 or 3 feet waves 30 mph without any problems
I have just one question
what do you guys think about install a transom bracket to add more space for the engines lo loading up without hit the transom top and close the transom to?,my engines cowlings are cracked for that and is very uncomfortable to enter on the boat