2000 Adventure 208 is 150 HP enough???

I would say it depends on what you intend to do with the boat in that are you going to be out with one or two people max and light gear for the majority of the time or is it going to be loaded down substantially? If the former, then I don't see an issue with getting a 150 hp outboard, especially if top speed isn't a big deal for you. Though if it's more similar to the latter, I'd definitely consider more power, or if you want a higher top speed. Sdfish actually posted some real world numbers in a previous thread, as well as the bulletin from the GW website and the combination of a 208 Adventure with an F150 on it for their test boat was a top speed of 40 mph. His top speed on the other hand was just under 38 mph, which I'd say is definitely within reason. If you're not running heavy all the time and don't care about top speed, as well as want to save a few bucks then I don't see an issue going with a 150. That being said, the lightest Mercury 150 is around 455 lbs and the 175 is only 20 lbs heavier at 475 lbs. The Yamaha F150/F200 are almost the same weight at around 510-530 lbs depending on the model number. The Suzuki 150-200 are all the same weight at around 520-530 lbs, especially with their "AP" version. Of which if it were me, I'd look into the pricing for a Suzuki DF175AP/DF200AP as the "AP" version comes with the fly by wire or digital throttle as opposed to mechanical. It's probably also going to be a bit cheaper than Yamaha, as well as maybe even the same or less than the Mercury. Lastly, Suzuki/Mercury both come with a standard 5 year warranty as opposed to Yamaha which only comes with a standard 3 year warranty. Not that you likely couldn't spend extra to get an extended warranty, but that only adds to the costs of repowering.

Hi All,

For those who are interested, I have been concerned with the question of maximum engine weight on my 2000 adventure repower.
Here is the response from Grady White. Not too sure who this person is, but this is what I got back from customer service.

Hello Rich,

The 208 HP is 230 and the engine weight need to be 600 LBS of less. The Yamaha F-225 (V6) is an option.

Kind Regards,

Carolyn Ray

Customer Relations

Grady White Boats

My choice would still be going with a Suzuki DF175AP/DF200AP, as both are the same weight and are under 600 lbs, as well as they both come with the fly by wire throttle controls.
Interesting. The SX150 weighs about 450 pounds (without prop). So a 225 option will add about 150 pounds.
Find a person who weighs about 150 pounds and have him or her stand in the motor well (the motor doesn't need to be running. Have the typical amount of gas and gear you normally carry and see how the aft end sits with the extra weight. Take a look with you off of the boat and you at the helm. Pay particular attention to the water line and the scupper clearances above the water line.
Interesting. The SX150 weighs about 450 pounds (without prop). So a 225 option will add about 150 pounds.
Find a person who weighs about 150 pounds and have him or her stand in the motor well (the motor doesn't need to be running. Have the typical amount of gas and gear you normally carry and see how the aft end sits with the extra weight. Take a look with you off of the boat and you at the helm. Pay particular attention to the water line and the scupper clearances above the water line.
One small point... to be the most accurate... have the friend sit ON the motor hood.
Not to nitpick on seasick, but if you decide to go that route, I wouldn't test with one person at 150, but consider testing with at least 2x the increased load amount. If it looks close at 150, what will it look like with a nother 1-2 people standing in the back to replicate real world use conditions? Probably not desirable.
I forgot to mention to my above post... the obvious next step to having your friend sit on the motor hood is to then push him into the water when you're done ;)
My choice would still be going with a Suzuki DF175AP/DF200AP, as both are the same weight and are under 600 lbs, as well as they both come with the fly by wire throttle controls.
I got a quote of $19,250 for 200 Suzuki with controls, dont know if its fly-by-wire. that's install with another 1500 for wire harness. Said they would pay me
2500 for 1999 Yamaha 175 with controls and gauges as trade in
On my 2001 208 with a SX150, if you put two decent sized fishing buddies aft in addition to myself and I haven't changed the scupper flappers in a while, your feet will get wet!
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I got a quote of $19,250 for 200 Suzuki with controls, dont know if its fly-by-wire. that's install with another 1500 for wire harness. Said they would pay me
2500 for 1999 Yamaha 175 with controls and gauges as trade in
If that's all in not including your trade for a fly-by-wire, you are in the ballpark. For mechanical, that's a little high.
Be aware Suzukis can be a little tough to prop. Make sure you have the option in writing to swap props.
Our df200aps love Merc Eco Enertias. They don't come cheap, but are worth it IMO. And that's coming from a guy who likes to stretch $.
Find out the upcharge for FbW. If more than $1k, I'd skip it. No need for a single screw boat IMO unless you need troll mode and mechanical engines don't have it. I would verify that.
Be aware, my dealer tried to upsell me on the APs for troll mode. It's standard on the gages and requires nothing additional.
I got a quote of $19,250 for 200 Suzuki with controls, dont know if its fly-by-wire. that's install with another 1500 for wire harness. Said they would pay me
2500 for 1999 Yamaha 175 with controls and gauges as trade in
I'm not sure where you're located at, but I'd definitely consider shopping around and comparing pricing as $19,250 seems a bit high, especially since you can get them elsewhere for around $4k less. If you're down in Florida or close to it, might check this place out, which is also an approved vendor/sponsor for the Great Grady forums here.

As well as a second option, if you're down in the southeast part of the country.