2000 Gulfstream 232 horn switch wiring question


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2021
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Burlington Vermont
Continuing my electrical updates to my 2000 Grady White Gulfstream 232. Boat previously was located in Maryland (now on Lake Champlain – Vermont side) and have been replacing many corroded electrical connections. Current project is to get the horn functioning and believe the issue resides with a switch on the dash having lost a post over the years. There is one connected wire to the switch and what appears to be a wire not connected (no post remnants) I believe is the potential problem to the mystery.

If I am correct the switch is missing the second post. Is it possible for someone to take picture of the back of their 232 horn switch to help verify but also to show where the post would have been?
There has to be at least two posts. Input and output - possibly more depending on the setup... lighted switch, grounded switch, etc. Forget about the picture - we know the switch is the problem - or at least one of the problems. You're going to need a new switch, at a minimum. Find your V+ input wire (check with a volt meter for V+) and touch it to the lead for the horn - if it makes noise, it's only the switch that needs to be replaced.

FYI, you can look in your manual (or download it) to verify horn wire color.
Problem is the switch is no longer made and from what I gather so I would need to cut the insert larger ☹️. Goal was to soder a new post if possible.
It's doubtful that soldering is going to be possible - it likely broke off for a reason (metal got corroded). I guess you could dribble some solder in there and hope... but, at best, it's going to be a band aid. Measure the hole and compare to various switches out there... Carling and Blue Seas are probably the two biggest. Is there a manufacturer ID on it?
The original switches are McGill per research.


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Looking at your picture, it almost appears that there are two spades/studs on the switch? It's hard to tell from that picture, though.

Ah, OK, that style. Try the aftermarket - Sea Dog Marine and Sierra come to mind. I know there's a squared off version of "about" that size still out there - not sure about the rounded version.

Another option would be to relocate the horn - and get one with a red cocker switch cover so it's easy to find.

Still another options... use a switch that isn't being used for anything. Granted, it won't spring back off like a horn switch - you'd have to manually turn it off. But it would keep the "look".

Just pop the switch out of the dash - usually manufacturer info is on the side.
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Try Great Lakes Skipper. They have a few of those switches from McGill.

I have a couple that are not in great shape and I’m debating on just getting a whole new panel since I want to convert my 2000 228 panel to black.

I have the same switches as you and didn’t have much luck looking for replacements but call GLS and see what they have.
Finally got back to the boat and after gently moving wires did realize there were two connectors (great eye fellow GW member). Disconnected from switch, removed switch and tested. Switch was good. Traced out the wires and disconnected to horn itself (not the colors I expected meaning were replaced at one point; also looked newer). Connected to power source and horn worked perfectly. Discovered the ground connector was bad and after replacing and putting everything back the horn is working as designed.

Thanks for all the comments and eagle eyes on seeing the second lines. I missed it with all the wires in front trying not to loosen any connections.
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