2001 200Hp HPDI Hour Disparity


GreatGrady Captain
Jan 20, 2008
Reaction score
West Dennis, MA
I have found a 2001 282 Grady White that I am seriously considering purchasing. The hull is in great shape and the interior needs a little tlc. My concern is the engines. The engines are the 2001 Yamaha 200 HPDI's. The starboard engine has 590 hours and the port has 335. I was told by the salesman that many people with this kind of boat will shutdown one engine and troll with the other. Also, would 590 hours on a 2 stroke Yamaha engine be considered "high". I have not had the boat/engines surveyed as of yet. Please advise.
Wouldn't bat an eye on the lows hours but.....

The hours wouldn't scare me but with my experience with engine hours differing I would be thinking this since I've owned twins:

When I troll I switch back and forth between motors to keep the hours in relative time. Sometimes hours such as this tend to show motor issues such as running. I have seen only one instance where a person with twins trolls with one motor mainly and thats because the way the transom mount transducer was set up and was creating interference from engine closest to the tranducer. So this person would rather seen the sonar readings.

Just my thoughts. Used motors we mostly all seem to be in the dark.
590 hours if the engines are well attended to is not a big deal. I had a carbureted 1995 Yamaha 200 with 1,300 hours and the compression was in spec and the performance was rock solid. Look at the compression, check the lower unit oil for metal & water and look at the service records. This engine should have had at least three impeller changes, one thermostat change and I do not know about fuel pumps on the hpdi's. The head gaskets are due soon and as such it might be worth while having the heads pulled to see the pistons and cylinders. Look for salt seepage in the gasket material if it is a salt water boat. Check bolts and grease fittings for signs off service.

As for the delta on the engines I do not troll and do not have twins but if I did it would seam logical to me to alternate the engines to keep the hours even.
Those hours are not a high, 100-150 is assumed to be standard usage. The one engine is on par, the other is below. I would check to see how extensive the records are on the engines. In general, if they are not serviced when they are supposed to be, I would shy away from them, especially with varying hours like that. If one engine is used more then another, but it was at a low rpm(close to idle), it is not a huge deal, if not I would lean towards saying look for another boat. I believe with the HPDI's, a Yamaha tech can tell how many hours were at low rpm, mid range and high or something of that sort, giving you a good idea of how each engine was ran. If that user was smart and only used one engine at a time, he should have varied which engine he used. I know some guys do slow trolling or may leave an engine idling to keep batteries from dying, or when fishing rips to keep the boat facing into the waves, if that was the case, it was at low rpm's and will not put that much wear on an engine. I've also seen guys who redo drifts using only one engine running at 2500rpm+, that is not good usage and putting more laod on one engine like that will have an negative effect on that engine.
The only way to really tell is to have a tech check the engines, which should really be done before you buy any boat. If you are second guessing yourself, I would follow your gut feeling, unless the deal is just too good to refuse...but then again there may be a reason for that...
Thanks for the heads up on the engines. I'm new to this forum and I'm finding the info I find here is invaluable in helping me make my purchase.
200 HPDI

Take 'em to a shop, get a compression check and the printout off the computer, see what it says and go from there. That way you can start from a basis of fact and not speculation from folks who haven't seen the motors. Also ask the tech to give you an overall impression of their condition.
What are you using to determine the engine hours? Is it via the hours on the tachs, or a printout from the Yamaha diagnostics? If it's from the tachs, the differences could be explained by a tach replacement a few years ago.

I agree with the other response, have a tech download each engine to get an idea how they were run.
When I look at a boat... especially one that is 7 yrs old and the Cabin needs "tlc" I would wonder what else the owner neglected... especially the motors. The hours do not indicate excessive use but the disparity would bother me until I found out WHY they are like that. If the owner tells you that is the motor he trolls with then you would have to wonder why he chooses the same motor to do all the trolling. I think you have a lot of questions that need answering before you proceed any further.

Take some of the advice above, if you are still serious, and have an unbiased certified Yamaha tech check them out. He should also be able to tell you what warranty work has been done on those motors.