2001 282 Sailfish hatch leak


GreatGrady Captain
Jan 20, 2008
Reaction score
West Dennis, MA
The forward hatch on our 282 has a water leak. I think the moisture is traveling down via the bolts that attach the hatch to the deck. I am concerned with water seeping into the deck core. Has anyone had experience with this kind of problem and how did you remedy the situation?
My forward hatch leaked also, GW determined that the hatch was warped/bent and replaced under warranty. Second hatch also leaked due to not being sealed properly, hatch reinstalled at dealer. Third time, hatch leaked from crack due to over tightening by dealer which cracked the inside trim. With new inside trim I am hoping I will be dry this year.
I would have your dealer determine if he hatch is in some way warped, if not check to make sure it has been sealed properly.

if you have wood coring and it gets wet, it can't be dried out unless exposed greatly - juts like transoms.
The mositure has no way to get out - but those tiny screw holes, that's if you have coring, my hatch is not cored I believe.

There are other ways to connect vacuum lines and heat and suck out the moisture, but the wood may be diminished already in strenght and dimensional less than original.
282 hatch leak

I don't know if the deck is cored or not. Is there anyone who can tell me if a 2001 282 has a wood core in the fore deck?