2001 300 Marlin Repower with Mercury 300 Verados


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
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I have a unique opportunity to repower my 2001 Marlin 300 with 2015 Mercury 300 Verados. I would be switching from original Yamaha 250 OX66's.

Does anyone have any experience with Mercs on a Grady? I understand I would be gaining approximately 100 pounds per OB. I also understand that the boat is rated for 500hp and that I may or may not face Insurance coverage issues. My biggest concern is performance and weight related issues on the Hull.

Personally, I can't help but get excited over the prospect this repower. 300 Mercs on the back of a Grady?
Sounds delicious
I'd be nervous to put more than the rated HP on my boat from both an insurance angle and from an ages perspective. Hopefully you are getting a good deal and then maybe worth the risk. Good luck and let us know how you make out.
I'd stay with Yam, Honda or Zuke for best resale value.
Won't do it if the deal doesn't workout in my favor. The HP rating is definitely a concern even though a GW dealer was encouraging me to go with the new Yamaha 300's. I'm more concerned with list and performance. There's definitely cost/benefit analysis going on. This would be meant to be short term investment with another repower on the not to distant horizon,,,,Hondas might be a second alternative. If anyone has feedback on those I would be excited to hear about it

Thanks for your feedback
Update, Verado deal is not working out. After its all said and done money would be better spent in a brand new pair of Hondas. As long as the dealer makes the right offer I'll finalize it this week. Been searching this site up and down for Marlins with Honda 250's. Looks like I'll be a solid test pilot. I know they are heavy, but I've ran with very heavy loads (8 men, full gas tanks, full oil wells, full live well. ice etc) and weight is felt but performance has never been dramatically influenced. Hoping to post descriptive pics and video when the job is done. Something I cant find with Hondas/Grady's. If anyone has Hondas on their rig with Feedback I would love to hear about it. Thanks for the feedback.
I have been running a pair of Evinrude G2 250's on my 2000 Marlin since the motors came on the market. 300 plus hours later.........I continue to remain very pleased with my purchase. I have had much interest in prospective buyers of my Marlin but am not interested in selling at this time. The G2's innovative design with integrated steering, fixed rigging tubes , clean splash well and tons of power seems to have held the non believers at bay.
I'm 100% done with 2 stroke. If wasn't I would definitely take a hard look at those. Thanks for your feedback. Nice to hear success stories when a Marlin is running with power other than the typical Yamahas. I'll miss the two stroke torque/get up and go, but hopefully not by much.
I run a pair of Honda 250's on my 2002 Marlin. I get 43 mph at WOT turning 6000rpm.
There great engines, ultra quite and fuel efficient.
I get a demo pair from Honda each year and they will be available to purchase at the end if the season at a huge discount with about 90hrs on them if you can wait.

Pm with any other questions.