2003 282 Transom issues


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
Babylon, New York
I am about to pull the trigger on a 2003 282, just pending the survey and sea trial. I had a 1984 24 Offshore years ago and had to redo the transom due to water infiltration. My question is; is there still that issue of water getting in under that aluminum angle cap on top of the transom or have they changed their design? Any input would be appreciated.

A couple of years ago I purchased a 2001 265 without power. Before hanging two new 225 optis I removed the cap (there was an unsealed gap) and found about a million dead red ladybugs. Vacuumed it all out and resealed/packed the gap with 5200, let cure and recapped it. minimal moisture had collected (the boat was not in water for the prior two years. All appears ok today.
I do believe Grady still uses wood in the transom, although I think it is a treated type. If boat you are looking at has the same type molding as your earlier model did covering seam of hull with inner cockpit, then I would guess that that the possibility still exists of water getting into wood area of transom. I would contact Grady on this, and also get transom checked thoroughly before pulling trigger on it myself.
Grady uses Green Wood XL in the transom. It has a warranty through Grady. It won't rot but can still water log just like a poorly sealed composite transom.