2004 33 Express Cruiser Twin 2015 300 HP Yamaha VERY HARD STEERING

The grease at the top of the swivel bracket can get dried out over the years. The new grease has to push UP to get there. once grease is dry, it doesn't move out of the way of new grease.
The motor becomes tight to swivel. On my previous boat I have gone thru the painful process of removing a swivel bracket, cleaning and replacing the bushing.

Then I had the problem with my OX66s. I removed zerks and sprayed in wd40 over and over again. then put zerk in and filled a gun with WD40 and pumped it and worked it. then I drilled and tapped a new zerk up near the top bushing and WD'd some more. After that the motors flopped back & forth like butter.

oh yes, i regreased them....
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I found that I needed to add hydraulic fluid. Once I did this it was better not great but better.
I have a question for the forum. This boat does not track well at all. We have been putting some hours on her over the last few weeks and
when underway I look like I am in submarine avoidance. My wake has more S's in it then the Mississippi. Some folks I talk to say that's a Grady.
Yesterday off Stellwagen back seas 1' yesterday 6/30 and the boat was all over the place. bad captain possible. had another friend on boat been boating like me all his life
he as well coul dnot keep her on course
Did you just add fluid or did you bleed the system? If the reservoir gets low, it will suck air and has to be bleed. Look up the instructions on the web.
You can also try manually moving the motor side to side. If should not move a lot without the wheel moving.
I bought the system that connects to teh bleeders on the pistons and then allows air to go back into the bottle. not sure I did a good job but I did not see bubbles after I did it i teh clear lines provided with the kit
At what speed is it not tracking? Low or higher speeds? If it at higher speeds it seems something is moving the motors, ie not holding them in place. Any loose mechanical connections ?
Have you tried to use the trim tabs to stable it?
On one engine boats it is a real headache at low speeds and only thing that helps some is using the tabs and of course adjusting the anode tab on the cavitation plate. With twins or triples it should not be an issue.

At slow or idle speed my 265 used to wander like that. Adding toe out cured it. Lengthen tie bar 1/2” to 3/4”. If it’s at higher speed then trim motors and tabs up to get bow up and stop bow steer
My 04 was pretty stiff to steer when I got it. My kids couldn't drive the boat because it was hard to turn the wheel. It wasn't binding or anything, it is just naturally hard to move two big outboards with the hydraulic steering alone. I had the seastar pump added last year. Makes a huge difference. They put the pump in the mechanical area on the port side of the mid berth access area. Much dryer than in the back by the generator.
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