2005 Bimini 306 trim tab spray

I was kinda curious about that. It COULD be that the other one is off by enough that it's trying to push/list the boat over (lean over) and it's causing the flatter one to dig in to the water more than usual.

For starters, disconnect the strut from the tab mount and move the tabs manually, seeing if you get full movement. Inspect the hinges/etc really well.
I was hoping someone else experienced the same issue and figured out the solution. Your guess seems to be the most logical so far, thanks.
Well, truthfully, none of the response are truly just "guesses" since the issue you described CAN be caused by all of the reasons mentioned. As you added more info, that helps to narrow down the possibilities, though. In other words, spraying is caused by a disturbance in water flow - what CAUSES that disturbance can be many things.
I was hoping someone else experienced the same issue and figured out the solution. Your guess seems to be the most logical so far, thanks.
If you can take a video where the spray is clearly visible then i can tell you if mine is doing the same, or not.

but spray is coming from the trim tab
This can mean normal spray when trim tabs are lowered considerable or can mean so much spray that it hit the engine cowling. The first would be normal, the second not!

BTW: Does the spray happen with tabs completely retracted, or only if you deploy the tabs?
Also answering this question, as it matters.
