2007 305 express input

Hi Frank,
I think we may be neighbors currently at Port Harbor Marine. Our Marlin, I think is on stands right beside your Express. Was at boat today and will be back tomorrow.
Hi Rusty,
Nice to meet you! Mike Totman (my mechanic) told me your boat was next to mine. Hopefully we will meet in a week or so. My boat is scheduled to launch May 7. I had some winter work done and Mike has a few more things to finish up on. I have to call the marina to make sure we are still on schedule. With the virus restrictions, is the marina open to customers? What are your launch plans?
I’m looking at buying a 2007 3005 Express. Can anyone on this thread comment on the access to the helm console electronics? Is there a removable panel or does the console tilt out? This boat has the concealed panel that raises and lowers.

Also, how do you access the air conditioning unit behind the galley?

Update: I bought this 305 Express. Haven’t taken delivery yet but I’m anxiously awaiting delivery this week.

Great. You'll like the boat. Take your time, poke around, take some panels off to learn where everything is and how to access. It's a proven hull. Enjoy it.
Hi Rusty,
Nice to meet you! Mike Totman (my mechanic) told me your boat was next to mine. Hopefully we will meet in a week or so. My boat is scheduled to launch May 7. I had some winter work done and Mike has a few more things to finish up on. I have to call the marina to make sure we are still on schedule. With the virus restrictions, is the marina open to customers? What are your launch plans?
Our launch date is May 7th also. Business not open to customers as far as I know. I've been doing all communications via phone and text. Still a few things on the service list including bottom paint. Shoot me a text (592-8860). I have a spare part that you may be interested in! It will take your helm to a whole new level!
Yes, you should be able to see it. That being said, I'm going by memory as my boat is currently sitting covered for the winter and I have not had the need to pull the pin out to raise up the electronic box as I still have the same Garmin units that I bought the boat with.
Dr batts, I just purchased a 2007 305 with twin 300's. I have the original garmin 7212 gps map screens with radar and sonar. I am having a problem with the sonar only functioning to about 20 ft.nowalthough it seemedto work 3 months ago. Do you have any experience with Garmin sonar issues? Thanks, Old Whitehead
Dr batts, I just purchased a 2007 305 with twin 300's. I have the original garmin 7212 gps map screens with radar and sonar. I am having a problem with the sonar only functioning to about 20 ft.nowalthough it seemedto work 3 months ago. Do you have any experience with Garmin sonar issues? Thanks, Old Whitehead
I think there are two possibilities (at least):
1) The transducer could have gone bad. I've read that if a transducer is allowed to transmit a lot while out of the water the transmitter can go bad. And a transducer can just go bad for no reason. This is a fairly inexpensive replacement.
2) It could be a sonar setting that you inadvertently changed. Cycle through all the setup parameters and make sure they all make sense.
In addition to the above recommendations, check the ducer for mechanical issues or fouling What style of transducer do you have; Through hull, shoot through or transom mount?
In general for the transom or through hull, the transducer may be fouled with marine growth, slime or most likely barnacles.
If a shoot through, depending on how it is mounted ( glued on or in a box filled with oil), the oil may have leaked out or in glue seal may have broken.
Do you know if the transducer was coated with anti-fouling 'paint' as part of normal maintenance?
One more thing, if a transom transducer, it may have moved out of adjustment but that usually causes loss of bottom at different speeds and not any speed at a set depth.
Check for growth on the transducer first. Especially if you have not used the boat much. We get a lot of growth this time of year on the bottom. Next I would check the settings and/or call Garmin tech support.
I think there are two possibilities (at least):
1) The transducer could have gone bad. I've read that if a transducer is allowed to transmit a lot while out of the water the transmitter can go bad. And a transducer can just go bad for no reason. This is a fairly inexpensive replacement.
2) It could be a sonar setting that you inadvertently changed. Cycle through all the setup parameters and make sure they all make sense.
Thanks for the info.