I was just adding some related experience with a suzuki repower.
The zuke dealers bundled price included 3 blade zuke props. They weren't going to credit the props if i said get Powertech. Maybe the OP can get that deal.
Zuke 4 blades do drop diameter to 15.25 from 16. That will allow a higher pitch. maybe the 15.25 x 20 pitch would work?
powertech LFS are 16" . powertech OFS are 15.25' diameter.
Its my understanding that the 15.25 are less prone to pull air in rough seas. There's always a trade off. There's more than one way to skin a cat.
I wondered if powertech 4x16x20 would have worked better than the Zuke 4x15.25x22 that I got but I'm happy with it now and I'm not spending $1000 to find out.
I know there's a formula but the proof is in the test ride, heavy with fuel and in some swells.