2008 Grady-White Tournament 275 - good boat?


Mar 31, 2024
Reaction score
Freedom 235
Should I be worried about buying a 2008 Grady-White Tournament 275 - concerned mostly with body and not engine as would likely repower. How long should this boat last - is there anything structural that I should be concerned about? I have notice many discussions about wood being in the structure of the boat - is that true with this boat? Thanks
2008 for a Grady is not all that old, many older ones still in use today. Obviously, things to consider though is the condition of the boat and how well it was taken care of. If it was kept in the water most of its life vs being trailered would be more concerning. If the price is right, hire a marine surveyor to go over the hull and if it checks out go for it.
I think a survey is wise. Go with the surveyor and pay attention to the different systems on the boat. You may also like to have an outboard mechanic check engine health. Anything they find can be a tool in negotiation
items to look closely at:
- transom and engine bolts for signs of water intrusion or fiberglass delaminating
- trailer condition (btw do you have an adequate tow vehicle?)
- have the fuel tanks ever been replaced? Are they alum or poly?
- engine compression- also what are the speed and rpm numbers during the sea trial? Check at the speed once you get on plane and top end speed (should be well over 30 mph)
- check all systems are operating on the boat - lights, bilge pump, wash down, radio, etc
Couple questions:
- is this your first boat? what level of experience do you have? Ever maneuvered a boat this big?
- ever take a boating safety course? I would recommend if not
- what purpose are you seeking from the boat? Fishing, family recreationcruising etc
- what type of waters do you plan on going out on? Lake, coastal, offshore?
- have you thought about basic logistics? Towing, storage, launching, slip/berth, local mechanic/dealer and other services (diver, cleaning, etc)
- how long do you plan to keep the boat?
- do you have friends that are boaters that can help with your decision?
- do you have family/friends that will also enjoy boating with you? Will they give you a hand when you need it?
- do you enjoy projects or do you have the means to get someone else to do the maintenance?