2008 Tuna Fishing / Fish Tails & Hudson


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Long Island NY
Now that the new boat is home and in the yard I am preparing for the season. In August and September I plan on doing some fishing on the edge and wanted to gain a bit more knowledge than I have about offshore trolling lures and techniques. I have bought the hardware, rods, reels, charts, software etc. etc. I now need to complete my lure arsinal.

With the thousands of products available this can be a daunting task to make the right selections. If you folks that fish the canyons would provide your expertise relative to the best trolling lures, colors, patterns I would be very greatful.

Thanks in Advance.

learn how to rig ballyhoo...learn how to rig it correctly,so it swims,not spins...i like small islanders,and outriders,the little hookers work well too...i usually run these on the long riggers,on the short riggers i run spreader bars-i like the bars from the reel seat in brielle,these are real lite,very easy to troll,i like the smaller squids...pull the short rigger baits as close as possible to the long rigger baits-with out tangling...
on the flat lines,i like the same ballyhoo rigs as the long riggers,i usually run a "nekid" 'hoo on one of the flat lines,behind a teaser setup i drag...down the center,shot gun rig,i run a bigger squid bar,but i don't drop it waaaaaaaay back,i run it slightly behind the long riggers...we call this "the money spread"....
another trick you wanna learn is the planer set up...this is a deadly set up for inshore bluefin tuna....
tackle,as in rods and reels...buy the best you can afford,if you can't buy new,buy used....i've been fishing offshore since i was 17,20yrs ago...i've got internationls,penn internationals that are that old....trust me,everyone has their opinion about reels and rods,the shimano reels are ok,the avets are junk,the penn internationals are the best...you don't need 80's or even 50's...30's will do you fine....

Nice Jimmy.....everyone is going to have their favorite setup, but to what you have listed Jimmy, I have to have cedar plugs (daisy chain) to be truthful. I've caught more tuna + others on that rig then I have on any other artificial I've ever put out in the spread. I guess I like the KISS method (keep it simple stupid)...and a daisy chain of cedar plugs is about the easiest to pull of all the artificials. Also, if its overcast, early day break, or last of the day darker colored lures work best....high sun, limited cloud cover, then you need to run lighter colors...just my two cents.....good luck
Re: trolling

TunaT said:
Nice Jimmy.....everyone is going to have their favorite setup, but to what you have listed Jimmy, I have to have cedar plugs (daisy chain) to be truthful. I've caught more tuna + others on that rig then I have on any other artificial I've ever put out in the spread. I guess I like the KISS method (keep it simple stupid)...and a daisy chain of cedar plugs is about the easiest to pull of all the artificials. Also, if its overcast, early day break, or last of the day darker colored lures work best....high sun, limited cloud cover, then you need to run lighter colors...just my two cents.....good luck

caught more wahoo on cedar plugs than any other lure !!! love those cedar plugs too....the daisy chain of cedars is definatley a deadly set up...rigged on wire too !!!!
I'll send you a detailed list of what to buy, I have eliminated half my offshore lures, and only carry the essentials that are proven fish catchers. I know a bunch of guys who run charters, and now only carry what works on their boats as well as mine, nothing else. When I first started fishing offshore, I bought way too much stuff that I never used, many do this. I agree with Jimmy, 30's are perfect, match them with hollow core backing and they are even better, they will have more capacity then a 50w with straight mono. I do carry 3 50 narrow reels for trolling my bars, but they are not a necessity. We troll 8 rods on normal days, but have had up to 11 out, that was a bit too much though. I also agree that sometimes simple is better, and ballyhoo are always a producer, you must have a minimum or 1 out even when trolling all artificial's.
Hey Guys,

Thanks very much for this feedback. What are your thoughts on having a single side band radio on board when heading to the edge? I currently have a Standard VHF and a Furuno 3000 VHF both equiped with the DSC feature. I know alot of the big boats out of Schinnicock eg: Hot Potatoe, Tiger Lilly, Hawkeye and Gray Ghost have them and they can communicate at great distances withy these devices. With a price tag about 17 to 1800 I am hesitating to buy one if I will not need it. My Grady 265 has twin 225 fours with 176 hours so I am thinking I am not likely to have a break down where I would need to reach out with an SSB.

Thanks Very Much, Dan
I think satellite phones are starting to replace the SSB, at least around here (NJ). I may be wrong, but to me it is kind of like loran compared to GPS. I have not seen a boat under 35 feet with a SSB in the last ten years.

I'm sure others here can give some input as well.
The SSB is a nice to have item. We have two good radios, a CB, and an EPRB. When ya go looking for tackle; have a look around and then check out our site and the deal we offer on a 7-line spread.
I have made numerous trips to the edge on my 265.
Breaking down is not the only issue.
Hitting objects in the water are another serious concern. A life raft and ebirb are a must!
Watch the weather closely, 15 knot winds, dont go.....
I try to pick a day that is 2-3 foot seas with 5-10 knots..... I look for three days strait of this forecast and pick the middle day....
I also stay out overnight on the edge, if you do this, you will want to try for a big eye in the morning and swords overnight, I think a 30 may be slightly under matched for a 200lb tuna or a large sword......
Good luck and let us know when you are heading out as some of us may also be going, or just getting back.


Single side bands are great pieces of equipment, pricing is high if u ask me, plus I'm not sure how you would put the required 18' to 23' antenna up on your boat. You really need a stand off/ holder 10' to 12' above the base to hold it in position...don't think you would even be able to install such a item on your boat. Now, if you had the 70' hatteras with tuna tower, it wouldn't even be a question. Go with sat phone, or travel with a buddy.....or go like most of us with the VHF (multi).
Hi Tim,

The 265 is new to me relative to running the Canyons as I have been fishing my buddy's 47 Viking over the years. I am acutely aware of the limitations of the 265 and really appreciate your reienforcing this thought process. We may not get out very much because I will not go if the forcast is not in our favor. Five years back we were caught in a 40 knot blow on an overnight trip on a buds 37 Topaz and i dont ever want to see that kind of sea again.

On the tackle issue I have seen one 30 and one 50 on two seperate occasions stripped on a night bite where we just could not stop the monster on the other end. We never got to see what was on the other end. That said I did pick up two Seeker 80lb class rods with matching 80 internationals that I will use on the deep lines at night or if we get into the bigeye's on the troll. Although I like the lighter tackle sometimes you really need the big stuff.
I agree the CR seminars are great. I have been going to them each year since they started. Lots of information from a group that spends some serious time on the edge.
SSB is nice to have although most big name boats in the NE, particularly where you will be fishing and I fish now use Sat Phones. Another alternative is to get an MMSI number, if you friends have them as well. You can dial their assigned number on the vhf radio and talk without others hearing you and it does not cost exatra, you just need a radio that has that capability.
Tunateaser said:
Hi Tim,
On the tackle issue I have seen one 30 and one 50 on two seperate occasions stripped on a night bite where we just could not stop the monster on the other end. .

Last season we were out on an overnighter and my buddy had a fish like this (I was in my boat, he in his).... he called on the VHF to tell me he is chasing a monster sword..... three hours later, it turned out to be a mantaray that somehow was hooked on one of its wings..... moral of the story.... there are some big big big fish out there..... some that I wouldnt want to catch! :wink:

I fish a 9 rod spread, 50's and 70's.....


I recieved a "boat Warming " gift today for a buddy of mine. They are the Williamson (http://www.williamsonlures.com) live series trolling lures. I have two mackeral, four ballyhoo, two mullet, and one tiny tuna. These lures really look like the real thing.

Would anyone have any knowlede of these lures, there effectiveness, do they catch fish etc. etc.?

Thanks Very Much, Dan
GradyFish could you also send me a
list of lures to buy. Thank You
we will be trying some shark and
inshore tuna trolling to start.
my friends and i fish the dip , hudson , etc. we have pretty good luck with stalker green machines, it seems to be the top producer for us- we usually fish 6-8 rods comprised of 30 wides , 50's and 50 wides

tunateaser.....I have used the ballyhoo from williamson, ones I put out had the lure and ballyhoo...(gift from grandkid), so on a trip out I put it out on the WWB, after that day, I've kept one in that position. Nice little bubbler in front of the ballyhoo, really drove the tuna/dolphin and yes, 1 68" wahoo crazy. And before you ask yes it was mono leader and yes, we were very lucky to land the hoo, 08 will be different then 07, I hate to say stick with the proven producers, if not productive, then I try some of the "different" items out there you never know what they will bite on....good luck and catch'em up