2020 228 on the Monterey Bay

Tipped, is it also for forward? I've been told it was for reverse. I need to take Shannon's advice and go farther up the harbor and play around.

Do the tabs make a big difference?

More playing with the boat is clearly needed, eh?

You trim up when reversing because if you are trimmed in the prop wash hits the bottom of the transom and the boat will move much slower and that's the last thing you want when you are about to hit the dock. Going forward it doesn't matter works trimmed in or out as long as the prop is in the water .
Our boats behave better in reverse than the older (pre 2012 I think) because our brackets are longer and they are pointy on the bottom, older brackets were shorter and flat underneath. You don't have that problem if the engine is hung on the transom, that is the one and only advantage the 226 has over 228 ( personal opinion).
As for the tabs you have to play around depending on the sea conditions when heading in to the sea especially on short standing up waves you may use tab down and or motor down. I avoid using tabs down( unless to even the boat) or trim in on following seas because that could bury the nose in to the next wave.
Amazing catches and pics! If I could buy new, I would in a heartbeat.. heh... no need to Only problem I see... need more pictures and more fish! lol If I had my choice.. I'd have a new 330 express.. ;) Those 228's, clearly, are the best all-around boat. I figured docking out.... don't sweat the docking.. lol.. that is what I figured.. :p

So many tried telling me how to do this or that.. when I went out last time, I just said, "you take this pole, and make sure we do not hit the dock hard or another boat"... done. Does not matter how it "looks" just matters that we worked together... too stressful trying to do it all alone.. lot easier when the people on the boat help out :p (and I watched those folks "telling" me how to do it.. they played bumper boats as much as anyone else.. they just liked hearing their voices.. .. lol)

Anyway, awesome pics... and you guys clearly look happy. Keep posting!:)


I've got 30+ years experience running boats from 10' to 40'+ and I will look like a newbie in my new Sailfish as often as anyone. I agree the crew helping can be great but make sure they know also to stay out of the way. The boat is very tough and as long as you aren't coming in hot there's not much damage the dock can do to you, Just try not to come in too hot. Last weekend I came into the fuel dock with a 15kt wind at a 45 and was having difficulty getting lined up and I told my friends to stay aboard and out of the way for safety reasons and one of them tried to help and got between me and the dock. I then had to turn the bow into the dock directly under power in order to pull the side away and not crush him. Luckily it didn't damage anything but his and my ego but it could have been bad. Tell everyone ahead of time and remind them often to help with lines and or dock hooks but not to get their bodies in the way. Boats are fairly easily replaced but body parts not so much.

So far I'm finding my Sailfish with twin outboards to be one of the tougher boats I've docked. It has also been very windy every time I've been docking her so far but I have also noticed the reverse thrust being pretty light. I'm going to try that trick of trimming up the engines the next time out and see if that helps with docking. i love reading posts and looking at pics and have learned a ton from this forum already. The Grady life facebook page has been fun too.
Agreed. I am handling it better, but it really is more troublesome when folks get in the way, will not move, or sit there being back-seat drivers... heh All I need them to do is what I ask them, and stay out of the way when not being asked. The last time I went out, they did that and it was a breeze. Before that, I had one of those "do this.. pull back on that.. turn this.." the entire time and.. well, let's just say, he does not come out anymore heh.

Anyone can have a good day or a bad day. The key is, like you said.. help.. or stay out of the way and that is helping.

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There is a 75% chance I will be moving from the Chesapeake Bay to the San Francisco Bay Area sometime this spring. Looking for advice on where to keep the Grady...? We do a mix of fishing and pleasure boating. Also do some small boat sailing.

Seems like a lot of distance between areas bay, pacific, Monterey etc... so I appreciate any advice.
The joys of boat ownership! We've all done them, don't let anyone kid you.