2022 Grady White Freedom 275 mint condition, loaded, big price drop!


Jul 17, 2021
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Freedom 275

PRICE REDUCTION! Mint condition, loaded

Pristine kept (covered dry slip with full Laporte canvas cover) 2022 Grady White Freedom 275. Single owner. No accidents, no tows (I'm buying a new GW Freedom 285.)Seaport blue-entire hull. Professional full externa/internal ceramic coat on purchase with subsequent ceramic wash up keep.

Twin Yamaha 200 hsp. 147 hours. Full service by certified dealer at 20 hours (5/22), 75 hours (3/23), and 141 hours (7/2/2024). All records kept.

Standard features listed on gradywhite.com. Here are my options: Helm Master EX w/Full Maneuverability, autopilot,underwater lights, helm bench seat, deluxe wet bar, storage drawers, trash compartment, fire extinguisher holder, cockpit step, battery charger and dockside power w/galvanic isolater,sun platform insert/cushion, front and side curtains, ski pilon, seaport blue hull and underside of hardtop color. I've also added two wireless phone chargers, Laporte aft boat shade (white) with white telescopic pole option and a Garmin SD card reader. The boat is documented with no letters/numbers on the hull.

Electronics: Garmin 8617 XSV GPS map/sounder with both a thru hull and transom transducer, Garmin GSD 25 premium sonar module, Garmin GSM 10 network expander, Garmin Fantom 24 radar, Garmin 215 VHF with remote mic, Yamaha CL 7 dispay.

Location: Mount Pleasant SC

Asking: $205,000


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Motivated seller- price reduced to $199,000.

The boat is very well kept- near new condition. Will gladly cover the cost of a boat survey once the sale is completed.
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PRICE REDUCTION! Mint condition, loaded

Pristine kept (covered dry slip with full Laporte canvas cover) 2022 Grady White Freedom 275. Single owner. No accidents, no tows (I'm buying a new GW Freedom 285.)Seaport blue-entire hull. Professional full externa/internal ceramic coat on purchase with subsequent ceramic wash up keep.

Twin Yamaha 200 hsp. 147 hours. Full service by certified dealer at 20 hours (5/22), 75 hours (3/23), and 141 hours (7/2/2024). All records kept.

Standard features listed on gradywhite.com. Here are my options: Helm Master EX w/Full Maneuverability, autopilot,underwater lights, helm bench seat, deluxe wet bar, storage drawers, trash compartment, fire extinguisher holder, cockpit step, battery charger and dockside power w/galvanic isolater,sun platform insert/cushion, front and side curtains, ski pilon, seaport blue hull and underside of hardtop color. I've also added two wireless phone chargers, Laporte aft boat shade (white) with white telescopic pole option and a Garmin SD card reader. The boat is documented with no letters/numbers on the hull.

Electronics: Garmin 8617 XSV GPS map/sounder with both a thru hull and transom transducer, Garmin GSD 25 premium sonar module, Garmin GSM 10 network expander, Garmin Fantom 24 radar, Garmin 215 VHF with remote mic, Yamaha CL 7 dispay.

Location: Mount Pleasant SC

Asking: $205,000
Nice boat, does it include cockpit enclosure?
Yes- front and side curtains
I’m dropping my asking price to $194,000. Motivated seller, willing to negotiate.

I’ve been extremely careful taking care of this boat and it’s in excellent condition with engines and boat still under warranty.
Why are you selling and moving to the 285
Until 4 months ago I had no intention of selling this boat!

In 2019 I bought a new GW Freedom 235. The boat was great but by the time I was retiring (2022) I wanted a twin screw GW with Helm Master EX but especially a port side door (easier boarding for "older" retired folks). I was subsequently told by my marina that they could not dry slip the size (9"6" beam) of a GW Freedom 285 (the boat I wanted on retirement in 2022). In view of that I sold my Freedom 235 and "settled" for a Freedom 275- ceramic coated it and loaded it up with many options (including a cockpit step which has worked well for boarding:)). The 275 was intended to be my "forever" boat and I treated it as such -covered dry slip, ceramic wash up keep, regular scheduled maintenance (last full maintenance this past July with only 7 engine hours since -all records kept) etc.

I used the boat only for inshore cruising with my family. No tows. No accidents. It's been dry slipped and covered the whole time.

Well 4 months ago I happen to see a new GW Canyon 271 (9'6" beam) dry slipped close to my boat at my marina. This prompted me to reinquire with my marina manager who now informed me that yes -the marina could indeed now accommodate the size of a Freedom 285!

So here I am now getting the boat I originally wanted when I retired in 2022!

A buyer will find that my current boat is a gem. I've had no major issues, have been very careful with her and the boat has worked extremely well.

My new boat (Freedom 285) is arriving in a matter of weeks and thus I am very motivated to make this sale (although I will miss her) and would be very happy to entertain any reasonable offer. Lastly if a boat survey is desired -I'll be happy to cover that cost assuming the boat sale is completed.
Crazy the difference between the 275 and 285 Freedom with only being a foot longer but you also gain another whole foot in the beam. You'd think that with the 218 Adventure having an 8'6" beam, that a 27' boat would be even bigger than that, as even a 232 Gulfstream has a 9'3" beam. Either way, good luck with the sale.
For a prospective buyer- I have many more photos to show- but GreatGrady only allows ten images
Also- one other sales point: the 275 is the largest Grady White dual console that can be “legally” towed without a special permit. Of course, that feature becomes less important if you keep the boat chiefly dry or wet slipped.

I’ve decided to lower my asking price to $185,000. Willing to negotiate further.