Thanks for the details and suggestions so far. I went with F150. I felt it was efficient, and enough for our planned usage and loads. I considered and may have gone with Yam 200 if they had newer lighter verison, but that is only avaialbe in Yam 250 version right now which was a huge price increase. My concern was additional weight of engine. I had a 2006 282 Sailfish with twin Yam 250 and my scuppers were at water level and tips of engings hung in the water. I figured the lighter F150 would be less likely to have that issues. I know GW added weight to 208 to compensate for Yam 200 weight, but I figured F150 was fine for my plans - Sandy Hook & Raritan bay fluking and stripped bass fishing, and 1-3 miles offshore max. I heavily considered new GW 209 verison which is a great looking boat, but wanted back cockpit space and storage the 208 offers. Biggest trade off is no flush mounting electronics on 208.