Wait, something isn't making sense. Earlier, you mentioned you started with full down trim. Now you started with much less trim. How can you have "less" than full down?
I understand, it is helpful to be more precise with my words.
The first time I put it in the water I started off with full down trim, and gradually trimmed up. I was also using the trim tabs. In addition I put the throttle all the way down, and it seemed stuck at 30mph and 4000RPMs.
When I put it in the water yesterday, my second time, I did not have it at full down trim, it was trimmed further up then what I had the first time. I can take pictures of the display next time. It performed a little different, and seemed to have a a little bit more power but still struggled to get on plane.
It seemed power was an issue. My original intent of the post was
1] to see what was normal for other people driving the same boat/engine or close enough
2] to see whether it was something as simple as I need to use the trim and trim tabs in a different way then I am used too
3] whether I need a different prop, I came from the east coast and spent most my time there boating from mostly in the Chesapeake, but also trailered from Hatteras to Montauk. The waters over there are different then Hawaii waters.
4] whether there was an actual mechanical issue with the engine
I think 4] is unlikely. The boat is only a year old but was sitting for a bit without being used. The broker I purchased it from, did the 20 hour service before they shipped it over and the engine had no faults. When I drove it this weekend, it was probably the first time someone took it past neutral in aboat 6 months.
I can't thank you all enough for the input. I will check out the spark plugs.
I have to wait for the winds to die down, to run it and do further testing.