228G Seafarer Kicker motor mounting/steering solutions


Aug 4, 2023
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Geneva, Ohio
Just bought a 1993 228G seafarer with a 2005 225 Yamaha outboard. Looking to add a 9.9 Hp kicker motor on the back for trolling. I don't want to put the hours on the big engine. Plus, I don't think it would idle down enough to go 1.5 to 2.5 MPH for Walleye fishing. I have used drift bags before on my old boat and do not want to go that way again. I was thinking either a Panther bracket (Bigger model) or maybe going with a full swim platform with motor mounts. The boat does not have the full swim platform, only the small platform for the ladder on the Port side. I am also not sure what the best option would be to steer the kicker. Any suggestions from guys who have kicker setups would be greatly appreciated.
I have a T8 yam for a kicker on my 208, mounted on port side opposite the swim - ladder platform. Both batteries had to be installed on the starboard stern to compensate for the weight. Works great for trolling for our Pacific salmon.Trolling at idle or slightly above (tide dependent) you should be able to get slow troll as needed. I have steering connected to the main so can manually or AP steering from the helm.
I've got a 2004 GW 228 Seafarer with a Yamaha F225 on it and she'll do in that 2.5 mph range for king salmon fishing just fine. I've played around with the idea of adding a kicker motor over the years but I fish in the Puget Sound where the waters are pretty protected. On top of that, I've got towing added to my insurance policy as well as several neighbors that I could call if I ever got stranded somewhere, and vice versa if they got stranded. If I were to go with a 9.9 hp kicker motor, it would be the Suzuki 9.9 as it has EFI, compared to the Yamaha 9.9 or the Honda 9.9, which are both carbureted. The Mercury 9.9 also has an EFI option as well, if you wanted to go Mercury.