OK I'll keep it going...

I'm not tallking about 8'6" boats.
Nobody trailers a big boat for day trips in NJ except the race guys.
By that I mean they don't trailer a 10,000 lb 10 ft wide boat to a ramp from home and go day fishing and then ramp and go home and park it in the driveway. And do it again tomorrow... and next week... We use marinas or houses with docks or lifts. We drive to our big boat or we go in the backyard and get in it. I don't even think there is any rack storage/launch for
big boats anywhere in Monmouth or Ocean county. Its just not a thing. Most of our ramps suck and have limited parking. The roads suck. The traffic sucks.
Yes, people have trailers and use them twice a season and don't bother getting a permit. Boat haulers and marinas do the same...
Is it possible he had a 265 with bottom paint and launched it that morning without a 1/2" plug? ...And got from one of a handful of ramps to out of Shark River Inlet or Manasquan Inlet and up to Long Branch and sunk...
yeah anything is possible...