265 Express Fuel Tanks

captain swag

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Need to accsess the hull interior to complete a fiberglass repair. Unfortunately the forward main fuel tank is in the way. How difficult is it to remove both the auxillary and then main fuel tanks? Not wild about doing it, but a one sided repair may not be adequate. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I can only offer you second hand experience that was shared with me by 2 other 265 owners and that pulled their tanks and they both claimed it was a pretty straight forward job- mush easier than they expected. think reconnecting the fuel fill line on the main was the only thing that gave a bit of a headache. I personally did not pull the tanks on my old 265, but i had the hatch open at one point in time and did not look like a bad job.
I pulled my floor last summer when I got my 2001 265 . I had to replace some fuel lines and took a look at the tanks and it looks super easy to get them out compared to some of the other boats I’ve owned.