265 Express on stands


Active Member
Jan 14, 2020
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Express 265
Does anyone have a picture of their 265 Express on stands. I upgraded from a 247 Edgewater, trying to figure out if I can use the same stands/blocking or should get larger ones.
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looks great! A guy at my club is having his Pursuit done. $100/ft including blasting, bottom coat and paint.
It depends on what you ( and the folks doing the work) mean by 'bottom' coat and 'paint' and what brands of each. If he is getting blasted and barrier coated (multiple coats) and two coats of a good anti-fouling paint then 100 a foot is reasonable
can't remember the stand numbers off the top of my head. Forward stands are one size larger than aft stands
Picture deceiving the fwd ones are not angled...they are on the flat of the chines.

Edit: went and looked fwd galvanized ones are from scaffoldmart.com MBS-1 https://www.scaffoldmart.com/boat-kit-mbs-1-with-long-top-33-49ches.html?category_id=95

the shorter blue aft ones are brownell MB-3 from West Marine[/QU

Thanks for the info!! Very much appreciated.

I got the boat Friday, I have been out 4 days and love it.
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Note that in the two photos, the keel is supported both fore and aft. That greatly reduced the forces on the stands. 4 stands are fine with the cribbing under the keel
The first photo is a good setup for extended storage The stands are placed on a base like 3/4 inch plywood. I prefer lower height cribbing to reduce the bend forces. Chains connecting the pairs of stands to reduce their tendency to separate are also a good idea. The second photo is more appropriate for short term storage or work. Obviously that is the case here as shown by the tarp.
heres another pic. Its a block higher for easier on/off and painting. Although not necessary, I like having the fwd stands as a safety but also so I can clean/ paint.
Notice the position of the fwd are flat on the chine. The boat is stable if you lower the rear stands to paint or crank them up (in pairs) to paint under the blocks.
BOAT XMAS201900006.jpeg
Boatyard did this blocking/stands so we could paint her. They’re Bigly out of the water!326F7E37-F895-40E0-B459-F5C3E415BE27.jpeg
Were those little pads on the legs welded to the stand or are they small wood pieces? It looks a bit flimsy for a gravel surface but I guess the boat yard knows better than I do.
I hear you, the yard seems to be the “go to” yard around here and that’s the first time I ever had a boat on the stands, so it looked good to me. Lots of Big Sporty’s done the same way. Cobb’s Marina in Norfolk, highly recommend them.
Like I said, they probably know what they are doing.
those angled stands are good for shoring up the sides but they won't hold the weight of the boat. The yard will use the Travel Lift for that.
The chines of the 265 allow you to lift the boat with flat stands. If you are going to spend money on stands don't get angled ones.

By "lift the boat" I mean you turn both sides at once just enough to take the weight off the Keel and move the wood block so you can paint