265 Express Owners

on plane and trim

as the two previous posters stated....

engines down, tabs up
hit the gas
trim engines up
tab, slightly, as needed, if at all...



cover off 3/15 but who is counting?
tilewave said:
i had the problem of my 2001 listing real hard while running also. (almost scary, feels like the boat is gonna flip! )

I notice that also, she does not like a beam sea at all. Tabs don't help that much unless it is very consistent so you can trim for it accordingly. If I have a confused beam I run at as much of an angle as possible and zig-zag to where I want to go. It runs GREAT in head seas with very little spray if at all.
Re: on plane and trim

eppem said:
as the two previous posters stated....

engines down, tabs up
hit the gas
trim engines up
tab, slightly, as needed, if at all...



cover off 3/15 but who is counting?

My cover was supposed to come off today.... woke up to four inches of snow! :(
Yep, I hear your frustration, we had an inch here on eastern Long Island. I think I will be tieing up bass rigs instead of waxing the hull...
Soon enough! went to to show in suffern yesterday and loaded up!!!

But alas, i just shovelled the same snow!
Well I took my 2001 265 out for the 1st time on Wed for about 30min, wow, boats fast as hell. But the boat scared the bee jesus out of me at first, she leand hard over to the port, then back over to the stb lol, I thought I was at Dinsneyland! I fooled around with the engine tabs and the trim tabs and got her going, I was really impressed with her going into the sea as she feels like a much bigger boat, and no spray on the decks, she ran very dry and I love the big bow you really get a bigger boat feeling running into the sea. The day was flat and we were in the bay so i really did not get a good feeling for her in a following seas or a beamed sea, but I am sure my day will come lol. I like the boat, I need to get used to this big 26 ft boat. I have to say it must be the biggest 26ft boat I have ever been on. I love the Helm area. I love the seating on both sides of the helm seat and you really have great view from the captains chair. I don't like the fact that you have to fold the transom door to raise the engines as I find it to be a pain, but all in all thats about the only thing I don't care for on the boat. Its a trade off as you have a easy time getting around the engines and in a hot bite this will come in very well.
Tunateaser said:
Hey Glastron21

I just purchased the 265 express two weeks ago. I ran her up the coast to Long Island on a 117 mile run and burned 105 gallons. I noticed that at 3700 to 3900 rpm she would have a mind of her own and would want to lean to port and starboard. After a while I trimmed up the motors just a bit, increased the power to 4000/4100 rpm and just a 'TAP" of the tabs (i waited about 30 seconds to see her respond to a TAP) and she was in that sweet spot on plane where it took very little effort to drive her. I traveled with full tanks and three on board and have twin 225 four strokes on her. About a mile from my inlet I kicked her to 4500 rpm and geeze what a sweet ride but my Yamaha fuel management gauge at 4500 rpm was showing a 21/ 22MPG fuel burn. Hope this helps...

Tunateaser, What year is your 265?