265 Express props


Active Member
Feb 13, 2019
Reaction score
Express 265
I just repowered with 2024 DF250APX Zukes. Looking for some help with props, most use is offshore running.

Dealer said he was only getting 5500 RPMS on the watergrip 16x17x3 props.

He also did not get the GPS speed, he wants to try 16x15x3. I am 3 hours away from the boat,so I have not ran it.

With the f225 yammys i was turning about 5700 @ 43MPH. REV4 14 5/8 X 17
A few of us have repowered with Zuke 200s, so probably wont be the same. Skunkboat has a thread regarding his props, but again, this was with 200s

265 Zuke 200s
Can't help with the DF250s. Different gear ratio than my DF200s. There was a guy with them but his posts are gone.

I can say that the 265 is heavy and wide. Don't fall into a trap with the " max" RPM and speed. You will need some uummph. Don't get propped for cruising to the sand bar in the bay when you need to lug 250 gallons out the inlet.

and for godsake put the tabs up and pull the fuse while you are experimenting with props.
Skunk exactly, I want her set up for 250 gallons, 300lbs of ice 4 dudes and all the fishing gear. The sand bar will be a walk in the park,and yes I do not use tabs when testing props.
But 5500 is to low when the max is 6400. I told him to try the 16x15 x 3 and please get me the rpms and speed. I had a hell of a time with my Yammy props on my F225 in the rough stuff they lost way to much grip. Put on Rev 4 14 5/8 x 17 and that was 100% the ticket. I really dont want to play the $1600 guessing game if I can avoid it. My thoughts are the 3 blade might lose grip. And yes I have spoken to Ken about this but the props he suggests will not be is stock for a few months.