265 Express Seacock re-location (For Transducer)

captain swag

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
2002 265 Express. Want to install in hull wet box for m260 transducer. Near the transom on both sides of the keel, Grady put seacocks. One is for the washdown and other is for the livewell. I also have oil tanks installed on the flats on both sides of keel for the 2 strokes so that area is off limits to install the wet box. I think if the wetbox is behind either water pickup there will be turbulence generated by the strainer/pickup and will affect the transducer. Has anyone relocated the pick ups and done this modification. Need an area of "clean" water.
Concur with all of your comments. Agree that water behind pickups is aerated.

I mounted both of our "shoot-thru" transducers where GW recommended for our boat - under the cabin sole just forward of the steps.

That includes a Lowrance skimmer epoxied directly on the centerline, just aft of the forward bilge pump, and a "yellow boxed Airmar" just to starboard of the centerline. Both have worked great, with no problem maintaining bottom track, or seeing fish off the ledges at 650+ feet. I have tracked bottom in >3500 ft trolling across the Norfolk Canyon (with an LBS-1 previously, and now with an HDS-7 for broadband).

Don't know if you have access or space up there, but I would use that before I would move an existing thru-hull.

Thats actually where GW said to put it. Several owners indicated otherwise. Guess I will have to temp mount on a fluid filled bag and test several areas. Nothing is ever easy. Ray