265 Express - Speakers in Electronics box?

Triple P.

Jun 12, 2017
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About to install two JLAudio 6.5's in my electronics box. Just placing them in the box before drilling the holes it affects the compass by 1 degree. I think I can live with that.

Does anyone have any experience with any other interference? It will be right under my radar dome. Any thoughts on magnetic interference with the radar?
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I have a pair in my overhead boxes on my 265. Haven’t noticed any interference. You’ll have to put some type of protection around them in the box, I didn’t initially, but then a loose screw dropped into the cone. Lesson learned.
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About to install two JLAudio 6.5's in my electronics box. Just placing them in the box before drilling the holes it affects the compass by 1 degree. I think I can live with that.

Does anyone have any experience with any other interference? It will be right under my radar dome. Any thoughts on magnetic interference with the radar?
The one degree change is what you see with the current orientation of the hull. Make sure that the difference isn't more when the relationship of the speaker is different angles from where it is now. If the shift is small you will be OK.
Interference from other electronic devices is tougher to predict but a general rule is to try to not run along the same path as other cables ( just about impossible to do with the hard top posts). cross other feeds at 90 degrees and resist the urge to tie wrap cables tightly in one bundle. Modern marine speakers are fairly well shielded themselves, it's the wiring that may cause an issue
I have a set of speakers installed in my upper electronics box and have zero interference from them. No issues with my radar either, but my dome is also ancient!
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I'd only be concerned with vibration and rattle. Make sure mounting surface is tight or has good weatherstrip.
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Thanks everyone. I'll try to post a picture once they are installed. Appreciate all of your thoughts.