265 Express vs 282 sailfish

Grog said:
If the 290 had the more aggressive hull design (like the 265), 300 or more gallons of fuel, and a windshild that went to the hard top it would be on a lot of people's list. Basically a 265 on steroids.

I'm glad someone else sees the benefit to a full height windshield. The new BW Conquest is very nice on the eyes. I'm tired of looking through plastic. Plastic is for kiddie toys.

Besides if they made the hardtop an integrated part of the boat, the tubing flex and weld issues would be all but gone too and the boat would feel much more solid. Make it so the windsheild tilt open at the bottom and you've got a winner... jh
megabytes said:
Check out the windshield design on the new 30' Pursuit. It is integrated into the hardtop. Awesome.

Insert large amounts of drool here...

I also like the windshield hardtop combo on the mainship rumrunner series of pilot boats. I was blowing 25 on Friday with small craft advisory. The boat could have easily made it, I just did not feel like putting the plastic in so we stayed an extra day (more fun IMO anyway). On friday a cruise in showed up and they looked abused except for the guy on the 38 Bertram. When talking to him later he said he was getting spray on the flybridge though.

I just can't see why grady does not even offer a full windshied or an alaska pack option. It would make helm heat/AC a real winner.
Grog said:
gradyfish22 said:
The new 290 is a huge disappointment IMHO, great looking boat with nice lines and practical, but a smaller cockpit then the 282?...and no added fuel, so what is the benefit of that boat?

Oh yea!

If the 290 had the more aggressive hull design (like the 265), 300 or more gallons of fuel, and a windshild that went to the hard top it would be on a lot of people's list. Basically a 265 on steroids.

I wish my 265 had the windshield to the hardtop as well! I'd drop the side curtains in warm weather.