265 Express w/Suzuki DF250AP re-post


GreatGrady Captain
Oct 12, 2017
Reaction score
Manasquan Inlet NJ
Express 265
I've been dating this boat for 2 years and I think its time to put a ring on her finger.

So I'm in the "get a loan so I can re-power" mode...I have constant daydreams and night sweats...

Looking at twin Suzuki DF200AP or possibly DF250APs

I remembered a post from 2018 but had a hard time finding it so here is a link in case someone else is interested
Re-Post of PrinceofThieves post

PrinceofThieves had new DF250s and posted these numbers (and some sweet pix)

2005 Grady-White 265 Express w/ new Suzuki DF250AP’s
Cruise is at 26kn @ 1.6nm/gal thats 30mph @ 1.85mpg
WOT is at 43Kn @ 0.85nm/gal thats 50mph @ 1 mpg
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LOL,,,,I'm in the same mode. Driving myself crazy thinking and planning out the repower. I've got some cash stashed back but will need to finance the remainder later this year for my repower. Going to try and catch the 6 year warranty window at that time.
250's...I was told the new v4's don't have the hole shot/torque required for a heavy boat like a 265....you don't want to put a ring on her finger then file for divorce! Enjoy shopping, when I'm ready to repower my 265 in a few years I plan to throw on 250 or 300's, not even looking at the 200's.
Those new 250 V-8’s would be my choice, but they are unicorns. Our boat show is next week I’m going to get some quotes, I’ll share when I get them.
When I suffered the 'undetected until it ate the powerheads exhaust corrosion' issue a few years I repowered my 2005 265 and went with the 3.3 Yamaha 250 4-strokes. Many reasons, not the least of which was cost as it was already a completely unplanned expense. Re-used all rigging and props and saved myself some money, which felt like the smart thing to do at the time though I regret the decision now. Love the motors, performance difference from the original 225s is huge, but I wish I'd gone for the 4.2 block 250s and the digital controls. From what I learned the hp ratings on outboards can be +/- 10% of the listed number and be legally sold at that advertised number; the old 225s ran closer to 208 while the 250s dyno out closer to 260 so it's a legitimate 100hp increase, torque curve seems stronger and more responsive and the boat just performs better. My numbers aren't as good as Prince's but they're not far off and they're better than the 225s were. Regardless of the make you end up with, go for the 250s - you will love what it does for this hull.
250's...I was told the new v4's don't have the hole shot/torque required for a heavy boat like a 265....you don't want to put a ring on her finger then file for divorce! Enjoy shopping, when I'm ready to repower my 265 in a few years I plan to throw on 250 or 300's, not even looking at the 200's.

TUNAHUNTER What are your current numbers with the 200 HPDIs? cruise & WOT?
Under-powered? I haven't heard complaints from HPDI guys.

Its my understanding that the Zuke 200s are much more "Torqy" than the Yamaha i4 200s

I know they won't be speed demons but I'm just looking for 30-33 mph cruise at better than 1.5 mpg...the closer to 2 mpg the better.
I'm sure the 250s will get better mpg at cruise but I have no desire to go 50 mph in this boat. Mid 40s is scary with my 225 OX66s.
I don't have the firm prices yet but 250s will be $4k+ more (each) I'm guessing from NADA average pricing
Those new 250 V-8’s would be my choice, but they are unicorns. Our boat show is next week I’m going to get some quotes, I’ll share when I get them.
I am so tempted with the merc 225s DTS but I fear Merc and especially untested Mercs. Zuke DF200APs and 250s are time tested.
LOL....go buy a couple Verado 400's for it and let it eat ;)
Do the 4.2 F250’s mount on 26 centers? Maybe finding a set used would be the way to go. Anyone know the weight of the 4.2 250’s?
Do the 4.2 F250’s mount on 26 centers? Maybe finding a set used would be the way to go. Anyone know the weight of the 4.2 250’s?

They claim 562 on the 25" with no fluids or prop...so 600+

I'm not considering used motors.
I'm not considering new Yamaha because they are overpriced.
TUNAHUNTER What are your current numbers with the 200 HPDIs? cruise & WOT?
Under-powered? I haven't heard complaints from HPDI guys.

Its my understanding that the Zuke 200s are much more "Torqy" than the Yamaha i4 200s

I know they won't be speed demons but I'm just looking for 30-33 mph cruise at better than 1.5 mpg...the closer to 2 mpg the better.
I'm sure the 250s will get better mpg at cruise but I have no desire to go 50 mph in this boat. Mid 40s is scary with my 225 OX66s.
I don't have the firm prices yet but 250s will be $4k+ more (each) I'm guessing from NADA average pricing

I love my HPDI's as they are a perfect match for the hull....they are just getting old and tired as they just hit their 20th birthday! Not under powered by any means. My cruise is 3500-3800rpms at 1.5mpg 25-28mph. WOT is 5400rpms @ .8 mpg at 42mph. They are pretty efficient for 2 smokes. If the hull is rated for 500hp, slap 250's on herA$$. I'm also thinking down the road what will help resale vale as the 265 won't be my last boat.
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Just got written quote for twin white Suzuki DF200APXW2 digital gauges/binnacle, troll mode, new starboard dash panel, labor, props, testing, towing from my driveway, everything ...all in.. with Sales tax incl $40k
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Just got written quote for twin white Suzuki DF200AP digital gauges/binnacle, troll mode, new starboard dash panel, labor, props, testing, towing from my driveway, everything ...all in.. with Sales tax incl $40k

This from Shermans? I ask because I too am thinking about repower. Have to have the exhaust sleeves done before I launch this year and considering just straight re-powering instead. The 225s run great and are a good fit for the boat, only have 290 hours on them but I dunno... :rolleyes:
This from Shermans? I ask because I too am thinking about repower. Have to have the exhaust sleeves done before I launch this year and considering just straight re-powering instead. The 225s run great and are a good fit for the boat, only have 290 hours on them but I dunno... :rolleyes:
yes Sherman's

LOL...I'll sell you some OX66s.....
Just got written quote for twin white Suzuki DF200AP digital gauges/binnacle, troll mode, new starboard dash panel, labor, props, testing, towing from my driveway, everything ...all in.. with Sales tax incl $40k

Pretty cheap, damn! Did you inquire about the 250's and what the price difference would be?
Pretty cheap, damn! Did you inquire about the 250's and what the price difference would be?
Damn...didn't ask....
The 250 lists for $4k (edit -correction $5k)more than the 200 and everything else would be the same so I'm guessing $48.3K with tax...$50k
I'll ask about that next time I talk to him. He's coming to look at the boat maybe Monday.
Damn...didn't ask....
The 250 lists for $4k (edit -correction $5k)more than the 200 and everything else would be the same so I'm guessing $48.3K with tax...$50k
I'll ask about that next time I talk to him. He's coming to look at the boat maybe Monday.

Skunkboat, I'm across the bay from you in Jamaica Bay and my good friends at Atlantic Service and Equipment, Suzuki dealers are located here as well. They did the repowers on both my 265 and 330. They have a top notch shop for anything marine (and not) that you can imagine! PM me if you want a quote on the Zuke's, I belive they can do a tad better on pricing and you will have 100% peace of mind with their install- and we know the boat and can cuztomize the panels etc. to exaclty what you saw in my pics or whatever you may want.
Skunkboat, I'm across the bay from you in Jamaica Bay and my good friends at Atlantic Service and Equipment, Suzuki dealers are located here as well. They did the repowers on both my 265 and 330. They have a top notch shop for anything marine (and not) that you can imagine! PM me if you want a quote on the Zuke's, I belive they can do a tad better on pricing and you will have 100% peace of mind with their install- and we know the boat and can cuztomize the panels etc. to exaclty what you saw in my pics or whatever you may want.
Thanks for the thoughts. I dock in Pt Pleasant beach,NJ. Its a long haul to Brooklyn.

This Quote is from Sherman's in Brick, NJ. Its just a 20 minute trip thru the canal. They are the closest Suzuki dealer. I don't trailer. They can come get my boat from my driveway. I'll be able to drive it over there by water for 20 hour service.
Sherman's has been there longer than I've been alive...and I'm old... They started Suzuki re-powers in 2017, which IS fairly recent but the guys seemed very knowledgeable.
There will be a few $100s of things I don't need that'll come off that price but it seems reasonable. One motor alone list at $21k, they add all the normal stuff then knock that total down to $15k x 2 and add a catch all "labor and stuff" (my words not theirs).

Baywood Marina in Brick is also listed on the Suzuki site. I called them and the guy said "uh, hmmm, yeah I think we do that..("do we do that?..).the guy is out to lunch ...I'll have the guy call you"
No Call. edit: Don from Baywood did call. They are not a dealer just service.
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Thanks for the thoughts. I dock in Pt Pleasant beach,NJ. Its a long haul to Brooklyn.

This Quote is from Sherman's in Brick, NJ. Its just a 20 minute trip thru the canal. They are the closest Suzuki dealer. I don't trailer. They can come get my boat from my driveway. I'll be able to drive it over there by water for 20 hour service.
Sherman's has been there longer than I've been alive...and I'm old... They started Suzuki re-powers in 2017, which IS fairly recent but the guys seemed very knowledgeable.
There will be a few $100s of things I don't need that'll come off that price but it seems reasonable. One motor alone list at $21k, they add all the normal stuff then knock that total down to $15k x 2 and add a catch all "labor and stuff" (my words not theirs).

Baywood Marina in Brick is also listed on the Suzuki site. I called them and the guy said "uh, hmmm, yeah I think we do that..("do we do that?..).the guy is out to lunch ...I'll have the guy call you"
No Call.
Gotcha. And my bad, for some reason i thought you were out of Sandy Hook. Good luck with it!