265 Express


Active Member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Cape May
Looking to possible up grade to a 265 express would like to know if any near Cape May,New Jersey has one that I could walk through and check out the lay out of the boat you can only tell so much from pixs.The boat I'm interested is in the Carolinas and would like to check out the boat lay out here closer to home before I make the trip south.Any help would be much appreciated Thanks Mike
Also any one that owns this boat please comment on the pros & cons of this boat.And your overall opinion of the 265 express
Son and I own a 2001 265. Purchased in 2010 and repowered with 2011 Merc 225 Optis counter rotation swinging 17 pitch 4 blade Rev 4's. Initially had 3 blade Mirage Plus but this boat is wide and heavy and bow steers badly (more on this coming), ventalation problems in very rough water offshore. First impression on first few offshore trips was like " what have I done, big mistake, what is wrong with the steering or is this hull warped or what!!!! LOL Lots of reading here and on other forums about this model cleared it all up. The hull has a very agressive bow v and hence she bow steers badly. Having never had a boat like this I was clueless. The cure, ding ding ding is RAISE THE BOW. You have to develope a new learning curve how you come up on plane. The Rev 4 props aid in lifting the bow. Right as you bring her up on plane, start to trim the motors up. BE CAREFUL though because you dont want to have the cowls hit the transom gate. This will further bring the bow up. This hull also in my experience as well as what I have read others post hates trim tab abuse, ie use the tabs sparingly. Remember keep it up, the tabs push the bow down.
After about six or eight trips (about 60 miles each way plus 6hrs trolling) I can say this is the absolute best boat I have ever owned. To get it from me will require prying my cold stiff fingers....well you get the point. No hull slap, no pounding. Rough water dream, even when short second period waves are the norm for the day. Re-entry should you launch is like falling into a dumpster of feathers, no kidding. you expect a WHAM but she just softly lands. One odd caveat though...when cruising at speed, make sure the crew remains in their seats. She is very sensitive to weight distribution paricularly when it changes. Minor tab use will correct though. The cockpit is huge even in comparison to larger boats. Good storage. Cuddy is sparse compared to say the 28 or thirty foot Gradys. This is what rumor says killed this model. Wives compared the price tags and saw more "homey likeness" in the 28 for the same $$. The 265 is more hardcore fish express style boat. Very wide for a 26. Too bad because it was ahead of its time by just a couple of years. Look at how many express style boat you see now. Pardon my digression.
Anyway the ride to say the least is great. Poveramo at Salt Water Sportsman Magazine I think said that the ride in rough water actually improves the faster you go. I have to agree, although I am still getting over this contradiction in my mind (I can't help pulling the throttles back when I see really big waves ahead). Steerage in following seas is better than most boats I have driven. Outboard boats never fair well in following seas, its just the physics of water passing the skeg in the wrong direction. Economy with my present setup yeilds between 1.5 and about 2.2 mpg at cruise, roughly 28-33 mph. I consider that pretty good. Optis are louder but they get up quick and top speed in good water is about fifty.
All in all I made a great choice. I fish alot offshore and mostly troll. The boat fits me to a T. I enjoy this boat. I cannot really think of why I would ever trade. There are a few mods on this forum that can make it even better. PM me and I'll fill you in. Get the boat, you'll love it.
Murrells Inlet, SC (A couple of miles south of Myrtle Beach, SC)
x 2 on the writeup!!! Unfortunately i am on the west coast. If you make it out here hit me up though. I have given two guys tours on min and both bought 265's!
I appreciated your feedback on my post,its sounding like this is the boat for me even though I very happy with my Gulfstream.Find it hard to believe that not one owns a 265 express in NJ Lol.
Did not know you presently own a Gulfstream. You are already used to a "beamy" boat in relation to LOA. It would feel odd, at least to me to return anything in the 8' whatever beam. At roughly a foot wider, times the combined length of the cockpit and helm area, yeilds a good bit of additional square footage or at least it seems to. If you find yourself this way post or pm me and we'll take her out.
I have an 03 265x that I moor in CT - yours to tour anytime. Bought used in 06 with 84 hours and have put 1200 hours on em since. Like all above say, a beast of a boat. What I love is after going offshore I can take the cushions out and hose down the entire cabin, no leather, no wood, no foo-foo for the wife stuff.

I wish is was two feet longer and had an aft sleeper, my only complaint after all these years. Holds 250 gallons of fuel AND has a 40 gallon livewell AND a huge fishbox! Rivals comparision. Boat is multifunctional, a head turner at the dock, can be brought right up to the beach for family time and is offshore capable. I have made many runs to Montauk for inshore sharking and even had her to the edge.

Note - if you look at any with four strokes do have the engines scoped for the corrosion issue, that's a yammy thing, not GW.
I appreciated the offer thank you, I presently own an 2002 gulfstream with a 02 Yamaha F225 fourstroke every year we drop the mid section and check for the corrosion problem so far so good 495hrs on the motor.A quick question for you a lot of my fishing is done sitting on the anchor how does the 265 express lay on the hook? Ant info would be helpful thanks
Good stuff on the knowing about the corrosion. Fishes great on the hook and the drift. Lots of rod storage and plenty of cockpit space too.
mjmwelder said:
I appreciated your feedback on my post,its sounding like this is the boat for me even though I very happy with my Gulfstream.Find it hard to believe that not one owns a 265 express in NJ Lol.

I have a 265 in Manasquan and your welcome to check it out...I don't come on this forum very often, email is pao@obcnj.com...
I appreciated that sea monkey I away on vacation this week when I get back home I will email thank you very much
I'm in no rush I love my Gulfstream and want to make sure it's the right decision from what I read it seems like it would be a good choice just have concerns over the comments she is bow heavy and is difficult to steer at slower soeeds
Not bow heavy per we but has a steep V from the bow that doesn't flatten until well aft. Once you get used to trimming properly I.e bow up..she steers fine
I appreciate all your info Captain it's be very helpful the boat looks like a beast for a 26 foot boat and I think highly of Grady Whites. Sea monkey is about 90 miles from me I make arrangements to check the boat out in person I'm very anxious to see boat
One quick question for you Capt.Swag with the motors being so close together how does the boat handle around the dock? In a 3-5 ft close chop what type of speed can you make comfortably and what is your fuel consumption at a cruising speed? Thanks