265 fuel tank replacement


Sep 12, 2022
Reaction score
Coastal NC
Express 265
I need to replace the tanks in a 2003 265 express due to a leak. I recently had some work done and before my 25 mile trek home I filled the tanks to about 90%. I took a bit of a beating heading back, smelled a bit of gas, and when I got home checked the bilge, sure enough I had a gas water mix. Pumped out the bilge a number of times adding water in an attempt to flush with a hand bilge pump into a 5 gallon bucket. Ran boat next day to drop fuel level in tanks (80 gallons total) leak has stopped. The tanks delivered from welders world are about 4500. My question has anyone had this job done and what was the total cost? I am sure all hoses need to be replaced and whatever notch needed not get that front main tank out. I have started calling around just interested in what the ball park number is. Thanks in advance.
I did my tanks on a 268 Islander.

Thanks for the response, and a tip of my hat to you tackling that project yourself. It looks to be a similar R&R and is something I plan to have done at a shop. I did find one post with an estimate of 10-12k total but the number seems low to me due to the labor involved. Has anyone had a shop do the tanks on a 265 or similar Grady and what was the total cost?
Thanks for the response, and a tip of my hat to you tackling that project yourself. It looks to be a similar R&R and is something I plan to have done at a shop. I did find one post with an estimate of 10-12k total but the number seems low to me due to the labor involved. Has anyone had a shop do the tanks on a 265 or similar Grady and what was the total cost?
Not sure where you are (update profile). Your tanks would me similar to mine. SP Tanks in Clermont, NJ built mine. Certified tank builder who builds for a number of the high end boat builders. Use a tank builder not just a guy who welds aluminum. Roughly $1,500 for main and $1,000 for aux. You have to add for neoprene insulators, 3M4000, hose, clamps, new fuel fills and misc. Probably $3,500~$4,000 in materials. Fiberglass bulkhead may have to be cut out and replaced, gunnel cut to access fuel fills, step cut to get tanks in and out - so some glass work. You quote is in the range. Just make sure they are the right guys. Read my post to see how I was told to prepare the tank and make sure your guys can convince you they know more about how to do the job then you do! That is always my "test" of contractors.
Thanks for that…. I am coastal NC. When I was in south Florida there seemed to be more resources with regard to shops that would replace fuel tanks ( I had a 2000 contender). I am waiting on two estimates from down near Morehead city as some of the smaller boat yards closer to me don’t seem to be set up for this project. If anyone else has any additional info I would appreciate it.
My 265 got new tanks just before I bought it. idk the $$$. I think they are from SP tanks in NJ. I'll get pix tomorrow in the boat.
Main is 130 and Aux(rear) is 120.
They have THREADED KUS sender units not the 5 screw type with the gasket. PAY UP and get the threaded ones.

Nothing was cut to get them out/in so far as I can tell.
Someone just did 265 tanks on here I think. Do a search.

Speedy Tanks aka Atlantic Coastal Welding in Bayville, NJ is another long time quality tank maker in NJ.

oh here you go https://www.greatgrady.com/threads/265x-fuel-tank-replacement.36510/post-255895

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Thanks. I hope to get an estimate or two back this week and will go from there. It looks like around 5k for the tanks plus all the hoses. The big variable looks to be the labor time and cost to R&R the tanks and any other work to make that happen. I did read on one post about getting access to the fill and vent on main tank as they are up front basically under where the helm chair is. I know there is a false floor there as well as the holding tank hen I tried to replace them after doing the aux tank hoses.
I had my floor up to replace the hoses on my 01 and it looked pretty straightforward.
The fuel lines are right there under the floor On my 03, it’s the fill and vent hose that are up front and about 5 ft from the step up.
The fuel lines are right there under the floor On my 03, it’s the fill and vent hose that are up front and about 5 ft from the step up.
look in behind the 2 drawer unit in the cabin. and under the stbd seat box"cooler" where the shitank is. You can see fuel fill & vent there
Just did mine. 2000 265 Express. Checked with 5 Aluminum shops. Average price is $15/gallon. Main is 130 gals and Aux is 120 gals. Total price with senders was $3,750. Labor to remove and install was $4,000. Hoses, screws, rubber strips and other pieces of hardware was $1,500. Makes no sense not to replace all hoses while everything is out. Grady White will supply drawings but my tanks did not match the drawings. The fuel fill on the main tank drawing was wrong. It matters because the sub floor has an access hatch that must line up with the fuel fill/vent fitting. No floor cutting is necessary but it's not a job I wanted to do myself.
I paid $10K installed in Maryland. That’s everything. Composite Yacht in Cambridge. I posted some pictures up on here.
Thanks guys. I was able to get to the main tank fill and vent hose pulling out that draw cabinet in the cabin and got a look at a bit of the top of the tank. while I didn’t see any obvious leaks it has a number of corrosion blisters that I can see and am sure many more I can’t. The fill and vent hose look like they are ready to be replace but not my leak issue so it’s definitely time to do the entire fuel system. I am waiting on two estimates here in NC and if they come in close to that 10-12k range that would definitely work on my end.
Good luck on the replacement. i too have a 2002 that is leaking. i think i am going to try and tackle it myself though. We will see once I expose the tanks and go from there!!
That’s not really an option for me, living in rural NC with few people around. I read related DIY post that stated it took 3 guys to get that front tank out. The back aux tank after emptied would come strait up and out after removing the deck panel, but without a machine that front one has to be tuff and definitely not a one man show. If you decide to do it yourself let me know how it goes. Good luck!
Good luck on the replacement. i too have a 2002 that is leaking. i think i am going to try and tackle it myself though. We will see once I expose the tanks and go from there!!
How did you know that it was leaking? Actual fuel in bilge or smell?
That’s not really an option for me, living in rural NC with few people around. I read related DIY post that stated it took 3 guys to get that front tank out. The back aux tank after emptied would come strait up and out after removing the deck panel, but without a machine that front one has to be tuff and definitely not a one man show. If you decide to do it yourself let me know how it goes. Good luck!
Empty tanks are not that heavy. I put a racket strap on my 134 gallon front tank with a 2x4 under it for a hand-hold. Was able to wiggle it out and stand it up. I had another person help me get the tank off the boat and the new one up.
Corrosion on tanks tends to be down low.
Your leak stopped after burning off some fuel from near full.
Before you commit to new tanks, make sure it was not a leak from sender gaskets or hoses at the top of the tanks.
Pull the deck. Look around.

Get a look at all top fittings.
Pull drawers box out of cabin to see main tank fill & vent.
Where are you in NC?
On Long Island, NY. I have the same 2002 265 Express and certainly realize the tanks don't last forever.
Re-powered this year, new sending units etc.
No evidence of fuel in the bilge fore or aft, pulled deck plates and tops of tanks, fuel fill and lines look good.
So i was just wondering if you saw fuel in your bilge or a smell.
Hopefully just making myself nuts.