265 Fueling issues


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
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2001 model year, bought it 3 years ago. We pulled the floor and changed fuel lines when we got it. It doesn’t have external fuel vent, looks like it vents to the tank? Anyhow, can’t get more than 30 or so gallons in either tank. Seems like it’s getting worse. Doesn’t matter if I am fueling at the dock or on the trailer.
Any advice would be appreciated!
Did you change the fill and vent hoses? The tank has to vent and it vents either to a through hull clam shell type of vent or it may use a combo fill/vent gas filler fitting. If there are two hoses attached to the filler assembly under the gunnel, you have a combo fill device.
That said, assuming you didn't have a filling issue before you replaced the hoses ( and assuming you replace the larger fill and vent hoses), you may have installed one or both with a downward loop that can allow liquid gas to pool. Gas can fill up the hoses but should 'self' drain. Often a person installs hoses that are a bit longer than the original and mistakenly pushes the extra under the deck. That may cause unwanted loops. So you need to take a look at the hoses and see if they need to be re-positioned. Note that for the clam shell, it is alos possible that splash from the sea gets into the vent fitting. If there is a downward loop, that water will also pool and block the vent. The goal is to place the vent hose so that if gas from the tank gets in it, the gas drains back into the tank and if water from outside gets in, it drains back out the clam shell vent.
Thanks fellas, gonna pull the floor this week as the offshore forecast looks kinda bleak. Going to replace a bad fuel sender on the Aux tank while we are in there, any sender recommendations?
Interesting... My 06 has a triangle fuel vent. Would have thought your boat would too. Maybe couldn't fit it and went with the vent at the caps?
I’ll snap some pics when we get the floor up.
The KUS, formally WEMA are good products but priced accordingly. You need to know the length to order. Measure the tank depth at the sender flange and subtract half an inch for aluminum tank, or 1 inch for a poly tank.
My tanks were replaced in 2017 by PO. The Wema senders are threaded and screw into the top of the tank. Don't know if thats normal for 265.
They are not very accurate. I just filled the aux 120 gal tank from empty. At 30 gals it read almost half full on display. 60 gals read almost 3/4. Display 'pegged" and it just kept taking gas. I'm assuming they are V shaped tanks which would account for that. I can't see the bottoms and haven't really tried. Its possible the senders are some funky european standard and messing things up. Its been low on my list of to-dos

The new Suzuki gauges show both individual tanks on one screen and also show a "combined tank" gauge
I had a 2001 265 express as well and it has a vent on starboard side, you should have one unless it’s been removed and glassed over? Tank needs to vent