265 outrigger questions


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
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I’m thinking about replacing my Stock original Lee’s poles. Looks like they’re 18’. Lees has 18.5, 19.5, or 22.5.
Anyone running any longer than stock poles into the stock wishbone bases? What size would you go with?
I went with Geronimo 20’ triple rigged On my 265. Carbon fiber
I’m using the original Lee Jrs with 18ish foot aluminum poles. I added rollers I use 400#mono. I think if you go with longer aluminum poles you’re gonna need to put at least a single spreader kit on each. I don’t know how the carbon fiber ones stack up. I don’t have that much money ha ha
We run single lures or ballyhoo on the longs. Can run daisy chains on short If you want to pull birds or heavy you need to beef up. We just pull the bird/ spreader bars from the rear corners and flat line cedar plugs from clips on the tow eyes. Those rods are in the tailgate. And one wtfb down the middle. No plans to change the riggers. We do alright
I actually got a nice set of 22’ Lee’s poles off a 25 Carolina Classic with spreaders but don’t like the way the spreader wire hits the hardtop edge. I could fab some extensions for those hardtop hooks , though. Also gonna fab some backing plates for the wishbone bolts under the bolsters. Anyone done that?
My 265 had 18 ft lees with the standard wish bone bases. They were simple and worked fine.
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