Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2006
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Couple of quick?

how fast u run?
what motors?
whats the burn rate?

any cracks up front or lid cracks?

dock in water?

if running hdpi, 17p props? 3 or 4 blades?
I have a 2002 w/ F225's. I run about 27-32mph under normal 1-3ft conditions, I'd say 27-29mph is my cruise depending on conditions. I get about 1.6-1.7mpg at cruise (roughly 18gph at 28mph) and usually like to keep it above 1.5mpg when I'm underway. I have 3 blade props, I think most with F225's or 200HPDI's have 3 blade props. I keep it in the water year round so the bottom is painted. There are no cracks on my boat at all.

Also remember when comparing efficiency, after 2002 the hull was slightly changes so fuel numbers may be a slight bit different due to that. Pre-2003 models were a deeper V and run slightly better into a chop, but some claim they rock a little more when drifting. I've been on both models and can barely notice the difference, it is minimal under most conditions.
i have a 2001 with 2003 200 hpdi's, running 15 1/4 x 17- 3 blade props--i have the same (almost identical) fuel burn and speed as gradyfish22, boat is in water with micron bottom paint--top end is 44.8 mph with 3/4 of fuel and 2-3 people
i was on jims boat yesterday

he had some cracks up front and some on the fish box

i only got the 200HPDI to around 5700 RPM trimmed out 3 guys 50% loaded, i would have liked to see 6000 RPM though

thanks guys
2001 twin 200 hpdi's most efficient ( sweet spot ) usually around 4200-4500 rpms burning approx 1.5 gal/mile around 18 gal/hour. top end speed 41 mph on flat seas. 3 blade props. 5400 rpm wot. this is if my memory serves me right, (boat is still on blocks right now.) looking to unwrap next weekend , going to saltwater show this sunday. this seasons upgrades to the " tilewave" will include removing the fridge & replacing with a cabinet i will get more use from. repairing my windlas. i use micron crc paint. its expensive but great ! all you have to do is touch-up the bottom every year, i do the sides fully for aesthetics. . question : when you guys with the 265 run to the canyons, how much anchor line do you carry on board ??
how fast u run?
28 to 30 mph

what motors?
200hp HPDI's

whats the burn rate?
17 to 20 gallons per hour

any cracks up front or lid cracks?
Nope, but I do have some were the molded sink meets the deck,,

dock in water?
Yes..... I use the least expensive bottom paint from west marine. My secret it to take the boat out three or four times a week! :D

Just-In Time, to check if the engines spin to rated rpm's, the boat should be loaded full, since he is not getting the last 300rpm's at 50% he may not be proped correctly, fill the tanks and run it again, if he does not meet the manufacturers specs, then the boat needs new props. Spinning up to speed does not mean max rated, just within Yamaha's specs. If you are on the low side of that range, new props would not be a bad idea but are not essential. Also, what does the bottom look like, is the paint newer and smooth, or old and has cracks and chips, that can also be a cause of some lost rpm's. Also, how were the engines and tabs trimmed? Test the boat with no tabs used for trim, just for a list, and trim the engines up to find the sweet spot. If the engines are trimmed fully down, you will lose some rpm's also. To find your sweet spot, get to cruise speed, and then trim engines up and watch your rpm's and fuel burn, find the best numbers and then punch it to see what she spins to.
yes i know but he has 17 now, going to 15 will be too much rpm

i just wanted to see what everybody was running

i had them fully trimmed at wot and she was burning 40.6

hull is fine and props looked good
Thanks Guys, Rich did a great job on the boat and hes going to help me do some work on the engines. Tom thanks to you and Tim and all others on getting the boat trimmed. With the engines it was much better then my 1st outing. The boat only had one tank full and 20 gallons in the main tank. We did not have a full load. I plan on filling her up next week. (I wish I had filled her up when I first got her lol) Anymore feedback would be great guys. I have a stress crack on the deck by the sink and fish box, also one small one by the fillers for the tanks and one on the cabin port side. Should I call Grady to see if they will fix them? I am not sure what my warranty is on the boat? Its a 2001.
SlimJim said:
\ I have a stress crack on the deck by the sink and fish box, also one small one by the fillers for the tanks and one on the cabin port side. Should I call Grady to see if they will fix them? I am not sure what my warranty is on the boat? Its a 2001.

I called on my boat last year..... they would not do anything.
I did not really push the issue.

Stress cracks are normal I have been told.

I have battle scars from a shark right above the water line that I am getting fixxed this season, planning on having them fix the deck/sink area too.

Usually spider cracks do occur and they can be ok, unless the continue to spread and the gap increases. They will occur on most boat brands at some point or another, usually where a fastener of hardware is attached and where it may be a high traffic area or stress is often applied. You can repair them, but most are cosmetic. Until they spread I would not do anything except monitor them, and when you feel they have gotten worse or that it bothers you to look at them, then have a fiberglass shop do some repairs.
gradyfish22 said:
Usually spider cracks do occur and they can be ok, unless the continue to spread and the gap increases. They will occur on most boat brands at some point or another, usually where a fastener of hardware is attached and where it may be a high traffic area or stress is often applied. You can repair them, but most are cosmetic. Until they spread I would not do anything except monitor them, and when you feel they have gotten worse or that it bothers you to look at them, then have a fiberglass shop do some repairs.

aint spider!

this is a known fact!
boat always will pull port!