268 Islander height?


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2018
Reaction score
Westbrook CT
Interested In buying a ‘99 268 Islander with Bimini top.

I have a bridge on the way out that is about 65” at full high tide. 10+feet at low.

Where can I find, or would it be possible for someone to measure theirs. Specs say 8’9” with hardtop.

I need height off the water to top of windshield. The boat I’m looking at is over 3 hours away.


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This is from the 1999 GW catalog. It should answer your question. Lots of great info on the GW website. You can download these catalogs. This is easier than lowering my lift to measure my windshield height. :)

Looks like you would be restricted to the bottom half of the tide, i.e. about three + (3+) hours either side of low water. And if you know how tides work then you realize that the greatest rate of change occurs in the two middle hours of the (usual) six hour tide change, so the water will be rising pretty quickly at that point.

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Nice. I searched all over the inter web and couldn’t find that one piece of info.

Fully familiar with the tides here.
I used to keep a Parker 2530 at my dock for 8 years. It was 88” to the top of the pilot house. One reason for a switch to Grady.

I could always fill the bilges to get under on a rising tide. Lol. Dive. Dive.
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